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YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 5/04/08

yw_israel3.jpg(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel / 9:50PM IL)


*Three terrorists operating in southern Gaza were injured by IAF aerial fire on Sunday morning.

*IDF soldiers involved in counter-terror operations in Tzurif in the Chevron Hills uncovered a disassembled weapon in a villager’s home.

*Lebanese claiming that Israeli fighter jets on Sunday violated Lebanese airspace.

*At least five people treated for hysteria following a Sunday afternoon wave of rocket attacks. Property damage reported in a number of areas including a cemetery.

*A bomb was detonated against an IDF patrol along Gaza border fence on Sunday evening near Nirim. No injuries.

*PA: A number of people injured in an IAF bombing attack in the Khan Yunis area of Gaza.

*Another day of rocket attacks into the Greater Sderot Area. Numerous people treated for hysteria and multiple reports of property damage.


*In an agreement reached with the Yesha Settlement Council, soldiers and police on Sunday morning removed the Yatir South outpost in the Chevron Hills region. The occupants of the outpost left voluntarily.

*Four IDF soldiers were lightly injured on Sunday afternoon when their military vehicle flipped over between Nachliel and N’vei Tzuf.

*Vehicle with a baby inside was stolen from Mt. Sinai Street in Ra’anana on Sunday afternoon. Police set up roadblocks in the direction of Shomron. The car was found abandoned about 30 minutes later. Apparently the thief realized the infant was onboard. The baby was reported unharmed.

*Galei Tzahal (Army Radio): PM Olmert canceled planned Independence Day interviews with radio stations due to gag order on ongoing police investigation against him.

*Activists have on Sunday evening once again rebuilt the Chazon Dovid outpost synagogue in the Kiryat Arba area that was most recently destroyed today, during the predawn hours.

*AG Menachem Mazuz may release details of ongoing police investigation against PM Ehud Olmert.

*Billionaire Arkadi Gaydamak announces he does not rule out serving in a coalition led by Ehud Olmert.

*AG Menachem Mazuz announced indictment filed against former Finance Minister Hirschson who will face charges of fraud, money laundering, breech of trust and bribery.

*FM Livni, US Secretary Rice and PA Chairman Abu Mazen meet in Yerushalayim on Sunday night.

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