Egged May Cancel ‘Free’ Motzei Shabbos Buses from the Kosel

egednnFor many who visit the Kosel on Shabbos afternoon, the first buses leaving the holy site on motzei Shabbos are very important, permitting them to board without payment and head home. This Egged service on the 1, 2, and 3 lines permit mispallalim to board a bus immediately after Shabbos at the Kosel and head home, with the understanding the rider will pay later in the week.

Egged explains that it permitted this long-standing arrangement to accommodate frum people, but now, it appears the bus company feels too many of the riders simply never pay as they should. Egged admits that while monthly pass riders are not required to pay, this represents a minority of the riders using the motzei Shabbos service and as it stands now, Egged is losing too much money and therefore plans to halt the service.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. “. . .the bus company feels too many of the riders simply never pay . . .” Please tell me, how does the company “feel” this?

  2. Can someone please provide me with the contact information for Egged?

    I took my family on that free Motzoi Shabbos bus ride from the Kotel about 15 years ago, and did know until I read this that we were supposed to pay at a later date. I would like to pay them for that ride many years ago at this time.

  3. People think its free thats why they dont pay. Maybe they should try putting up a sign saying you should pay later. Obvious

  4. No one knows that you are supposed to pay later. They should simply put up a sign asking people to pay later or the bus driver can give out slips of paper that say that the rider owes 6.90 shekel and that way people will remember to pay. To cancel it will just cause major riots.

  5. COMMUNICATION or HASBARA has never been ideal in the State of Israel. Discussion and Discourse has never been the Israel qualities from any machana to ,,,,,maybe things will change.

  6. I think we can all agree that it’s not the Chilonim who are riding this bus on Motzei Shabbos and not paying their bills.

  7. 4. I am sure they have a website. Look it up.

    9. I disagree with you. I will bet any amount that m’chalelay shabbos are more than happy to take advantage of this. You give them FAR too much credit!

    Ok so cancel the service and cut your nose to spite your face!

  8. #9 – you apparently ignored all the other posts to spew your venemous hatred towards charedim. if you actually do research you will see that charedim are much more honest in their buisness dealings than there chiloni counterparts.(obviously with some excptions – but every rule has exceptions) and i can prove it.

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