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Bush Visit to Israel Involves NIS 1 Million Car Rental Deal

hertz.gifOne of the companies pleased over the imminent visit of US President George W. Bush is Hertz, having secured a NIS 1 million rental deal for the president’s entourage.

While the president’s Cadillac DTS armor-plated limousine is being flown to Israel, many members of his entourage will require transportation while in town. The senior members of the president’s team will be transported in armor-plated vehicles assigned to the American Embassy in Israel, but there is still a need to rent 120 vehicles, sedans (50) and vans (70). The Americans have requested that every vehicle be equipped with a GPS system to facilitate navigating the local roadways.

A manpower agency that supplied English-speaking drivers for the president’s last visit was once again called upon to arrange for drivers of the rental vehicles.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. it is a shame that the $1 million dollar contract didn’t go to Eldan, or one of the other Israeli rental car companies

  2. #2, don’t you get it? Hertz is a US company so the US delegation will support their country first.

  3. Hey he is only staying for 5 days from may13th-18th(white house press release) how did he ring up such a bill? they could BUY a new fleet of cars for that price! maybe the prez is secretly going to stay for shavuos and he thinks that he’s got to rent them for chol hamoed trips also? thats allot of pollution george! say, does YOUR caddy run on corn oil?

  4. teyku-
    it’s not $1 million dollars. it’s more like $225,000.
    Why should the government not use an American car rental company?

  5. to #3:This may shock you but lakeood is in no way comparable to Eretz Yisroel.
    #2: actually I do get it but taditionally,tthe country being visited sets up the logistics of the actual visit ( aside from Presidential security)
    #6: Do you think that fee is a small one? that is just more money that could hae been put into the Israeli economy and the Israeli owners of Hertz
    to #8: I obvioulsly meant shekalim but my computer doesn’t hae the equivelent of a shekel sign while it does for dollars and more importantly, the reason they should use an Israeli company is because they are on par with the “American” companiesin quality and service and they are COMING TO ISRAEL!!!

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