Bus Driver In Maale Adumim District Beaten & Attacked With Rocks

Illustrative. Egged

An Egged bus driver was attacked on Monday evening by two passengers after he refused to permit them to get off in between bus stops. The incident occurred on a number 133 bus in the Maale Adumim area, and during the altercation, bus windows were smashed, and the driver required medical care and subsequent transportation to a hospital. It appears he was beaten and targeted with stones. B’chasdei Hashem there were no reports of injury to other passengers.

In response, the driver’s union on Monday night halted bus service on buses to Maale Adumim, Givat Ze’ev and Mevasseret Tzion for two hours, between 9:30PM-11:30PM. Tom Pomerantz, a union official, stated: “We are warning once again that the blood of the drivers is not hefker. Unfortunately, the minister of transportation awakens only when the wallet is impacted, and then he begins working to halt terror and violence directed at drivers”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. just a quick fact check from someone who is a first hand witness
    this was a 133 headed to givat zeev – this took place on shmuel hanavi/bar ilan. 2 random boys got on at bar ilan and wanted to get off on shmuel hanavi which is illegal as it was givat zeev- bound. the driver got upset when they didnt listen and sprayed them with pepper spray. in response the boys threw a big stone at the driver and smashed the window. noone was actually severely hurt – well maybe the arab driver’s pride which resulted in the strike.

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