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Rechovot: Hate of Frum Jews Prompts Vicious Friday Night Attack

mishtara.jpgA 15-year-old and a 16-year-old are facing criminal indictments for an attack that occurred on Friday night when other youths were making their way to a shul for Shabbos services.

The children, ages 7, 9 and 11 were on their way into a shul when the accused shouted “dirty frum Jews” and then attacked them. The attackers floored the smaller children, using their fists and a metallic object to beat them, all while their two American Staffordshire Terriers stood by, awaiting the order to attack.

One of the victims managed to break away and run for help, calling his older brothers. When the attackers realized the victim’s two older brothers were coming to assist, they ordered the dogs to attack. The older brothers were bitten on their legs while the attackers continued beating the younger victims with metal pipes.

One of the attackers then brandished a knife, stabbing one of the older brothers in his chest. The injured were transported to Kaplan Hospital in Rechovot. Indictments were filed against the attackers on Saturday, both of whom deny the charges. They are being represented by attorney Michael Bouskila.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. Generally speaking, the soviet non-Jews (and sadly, also a number of soviet Jews) don’t feel that they are Jewish so if they were attacking people for being frum it implies that these were people with a Jewish identity.

    If I were playing the blame game I’d point to messianics.

  2. This goes to show the bankrupt government which is running Israel.
    ANYONE supporting this government, including the FRUM Jews, will have to answer to Hashem!
    Each one MUST ASK FORGIVENESS from each of these children.
    The Lubavitcher Rebbe was correct, MEEHU YEHUDI was indeed one of the most important changes produced by this curesed government!
    #1 is correct – OY VEY!!

  3. If one of the parties was not frum, the frum party would be definitely the one to dan lkav zechus because they are amisecha, am sheitcha betorah uvemitzvos. The people who do Torah and Mitzvos are the ones we are commanded to give the benefit of the doubt to.

    If both were frum c”v, it is obvious that the benefit of the doubt would be given to the victims because there are very few circumstances where beating and certainly stabbing a fellow Jew are justified especially on Shabbos.

  4. #4, there is a way to change to government – you, your family, and your neighborhoods come over here to live. After all, the more frum people there are here that vote, the more representation we will have in the government, and the more we can change things.

  5. “it only has to do with some sick, twisted individuals who need to be locked away before they can inflict any more harm on society.” Perhaps, perhaps not. They should have to live with the families whom they hurt and help care for the injured. Only then will they realize the value of life and its similarities one to another.
    Revenge is only of Hashim, not of man.

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