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Mounting Opposition to International Bible Contest

YadLAchim1.jpgThe calls to boycott the International Bible Contest, which is held on Independence Day, are growing, with other prominent rabbis adding their names to the list of those opposed to current realities.

Last week, YWN reported HERE that Rabbis Shlomo Aviner, Yaakov Yosef, Shmuel Eliyahu, and Tzvi Tau called for boycotting the this year’s event after learning one of the finalists, 11th grader Bat-El Levi from Yerushalayim, is a Messianic Jew.

In a letter sent to Education Minister Prof. Yuli Tamir, veteran Jerusalemite and Agudat Yisrael activist Rabbi Menachem Porush points out that if Levi emerged the winner in this Bible Contest, it would serve the agenda of the Messianic cult, a major boost for people involved in missionary work – those seeking to pull Jews away from their religion. Rav Porush added that the Levis are leaders in the cult, they host meetings in their home, and family members are major activists.

Rav Porush added that Levi is not Jewish and therefore, should not be permitted to participate in the contest which is intended for Jewish contestants only.

Ramat Gan Chief Rabbi Yaakov Ariel expressed an opinion that Levi cannot be considered a Jew since she crossed a line that may not be crossed by expressing her belief in the founder of the Christian religion.

Organizers of the annual contest ruled that since Levi is a Jew, she is entitled to participate in the contest despite mounting objections.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

8 Responses

  1. if it is true that she is messianic it is very sad that we have come to this……the contest is not longer relevant.

  2. AGAIN – Whether she was Jewish or not – IMMATERIAL!
    Her becoming an apostate disqualifies her from anything Jewish – except to rot in hell!

  3. instead of being afraid that she will win, how about those who follow the aforementioned rebbeim make sure their students and children learn the TaNaCh and not just the Talmud. If she wins they deserve to be embarrased. Nothing is served by a boycott. that sems to be the only lately that community deals with issues: ie Concerts.

  4. Zephaniah 1:4-6
    I will stretch out My hand against Judah and against all the inhabiants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off from this place any remnant of the Baal and the memory of the ministers with the priests; and those who prostrate themselves on the roofs to the heavenly host, and those who bow down and swear to ‘H and [then] swear by their king; and those who have turned back from following ‘H and those who have not sought ‘H nor inquired after Him.

    Messianic Jews are Baal worshippers.

    May I remind you of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. I Kings 18:20-40.

    Has anyone inquired of ‘H what is the best strategy to deal with this situation?

  5. #5, this is a long standing international competition testing middle and high school students knowledge of Tanach. The winners from their respective countries meet in Israel and compete for the championship on Yom Haatzmaut.

  6. While I agree with ema2five, I also have to agree with tsgssdk. The only, and I repeat- ONLY reason why anyone should be afraid of missionaries is because Tanach has become a forlorn topic due to the “enlightenment” movement. I spoke with R’ Shmuel Belsky and R’ Aharon Feldman, and they both agreed that a bochur should take the time to learn Nach.

  7. If it is true that this young woman has been raised to follow a “messianic” Jewish philosophy in eretz Yisroel, it is both a tragedy and a reson to reconsider her participation in the Chidon Ha’Tanach.

    However, to deprive all of the youngsters with beautiful Jewish neshamas, who have worked so hard for so many years for the opportunity to participate would be a tragedy. I personally know two of the participants this year, and they are great, deserving kids who have learned and waited an entire year for this competition. I believe that they and thier families can be trusted to chose to participate or not given all of the information, but a ban on the contest would not be fair.

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