Chareidi Suspect Sent To Jail & Immediately Released

Avraham Tzvi Lederman, who was convicted of rioting and sentenced to 200 hours of public service, was sentenced to 10-days imprisonment when he failed to cooperate with probation service officials.

After the verdict that was agreed to by both sides, the probation service was supposed to submit a community service program for Lederman, but he did not cooperate and as a result, a notice was filed with the court, which was asked to expropriate the sentence and examine it again.

Lederman did not appear in court when instructed to do so, and another order was issued, which he ignored as well. In addition, he placed money down as bail, which was forfeited due to his non-appearance, and the court then issued an arrest warrant for him. He was subsequently arrested and on erev Shabbos, a hearing took place at which the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court sentenced him to 10-days in jail instead of community service.

Defense attorney Roi Politi accepted the new sentence on behalf of his client, 10-days in jail instead of the 200 hours of community service.

Judge Oron Silverman ruled that in light of both sides agreeing, the jail term will replace the community service.

When it was realized that he already spent ten days in jail, the sentence was wiped out and he was released without community service.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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