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Rabbi Bahaineh Will Replace Shas’ Benizri

Rabbi Mazor Bahaineh, who serves as a rav for Beersheva’s Ethiopian Jewish community, has received the approval of Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik and will replace Shas MK Rabbi Shlomo Benizri, who is compelled to step down after being found guilty on fraud, bribery and breech of public trust charges, a conviction that carried a moral turpitude clause, barring him from public service for at least seven years.

There was some question as to the rav’s eligibility since he currently receives a salary from the local religious council for his services in Beersheva. These uncertainties have been removed and his appointment now enjoys the Knesset speaker’s approval.

On Monday, the Knesset will convene in a special session called by the Likud and Yisrael Beitenu Parties, at which time the rabbi will take the oath of office.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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