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Will PM Olmert Survive This Time?

olmert 22.jpgRumors are spreading quickly regarding the latest police investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, his fifth in two years, pointing to evidence in the mounting case against him that will compel him to step down from office. Informed sources”, “those close to the investigation” and “reliable information” are just some of the terms being used; all pointing to a case that may be bringing an abrupt end to the prime minister’s stormy and controversial career as the nation’s leader.

According to unconfirmed reports in the case, Olmert was questioned for about an hour on Friday by senior police investigators in connection with alleged acceptance of large sums of money, bribes that were allegedly given to him prior to assuming his current political post. Adding to the air of the seriousness of the case is the fact that police compelled the questioning session on short notice, on a Friday, not a move seen in day-to-day operations among senior investigators.

A court-imposed gag order has been placed on the ongoing investigation, preventing the official release of details, which is prompting politicians from the political spectrum to release statements for and against the prime minister, who just days ahead of Israel’s 60th anniversary faces yet another existential crisis.

Prior to the questioning session on Friday, aides to the prime minister released a statement to the media that Mr. Olmert will cooperate in any way possible, as he has in the past.

There is also a growing momentum of opposition to the gag order, with lawmakers and others demanding the public has a right to know if the prime minister is indeed about to face serious criminal charges which may result in his need to leave office. 

Meanwhile, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz released a statement that the prime minister is not under consideration for suspension and there is no talk among Justice Ministry officials regarding his removal from office in connection with the ongoing investigation.

Despite the statement of reassurance from Mazuz, there are media reports indicating Olmert is about to face serious criminal charges for his alleged actions, signaling he may be compelled to step down soon.

Olmert was questioned in connection to allegedly receiving large sums of monies in the form of a bribe prior to serving as prime minister. It is one of a number of major investigations ongoing against him alleging illegal real estate and other dealings which yielded him large profits.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Olmert belongs in jail not just for the many crimes he’s committed but for his intent to single-handedly destroy that which has been built over the last 60 years. Countless have died to secure the Golan yet he is willing to just give it away in some ridiculous attempt to be remembered favorably by the world. He reuses to admit that the “disengagement” from Gush katif was a huge debacle from which tens of thousands suffer daily. Olmert must go now!!!!

  2. There is an “amoral and corrupt clique of lawbreakers” who control the legal system (i.e. the prosecutor’s office, the police, and the courts, as well as the mainstream media) and use it to get elected officials to do their will. The policians are more afraid of being thrown in jail than of being voted out of office. This explains the evacuation of Gaza (remember the charges against Sharon). Remember also the last round of investigations against Olmert came just before the Annapolis conference, and were suddenly and mysteriously dropped just after the conference. Interesting that this round of investigations is coming just as Rice and Bush are coming to visit.

  3. From listening to the media and from the politicians’ reactions, I am sure that nothing will come from this “investigation” like all the previous ones (and Sharon’s too). This will be just used as a “proof” that the Police and Justice Ministry is not left-winged as they interrogated Olmert even as he moves further and further left. Personally I wish that this wicked, obnoxious and stuck-up lowlife will get kicked head first out of the Prime Minister’s office and sent to the highest security prison where he belongs with all the other mass murderers but it is just wishful thinking…

  4. The Israeli Gov sounds like a kindergarten, with a few bullies in power doing as they wish. What a joke! Oich mir a medinah. Sounds like Africa or something.

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