Extremists Take On Beit Shemesh Mayor Dr. Aliza Bloch

The struggle between Beit Shemesh City Hall and the extremists in the chareidi neighborhood seems to be worsening. While there were battles between the Charieidm and former Shas mayor, Rabbi Moshe Abutbul, it appears that the zealots are even less tolerant when it comes to the new dati leumi mayor, a female, Dr. Aliza Bloch.

One of the steps taken by the extremists is a new sign, that says “She will not succeed in removing the shul” referring to the recent removal of structures set in place illegally, serving as a shul.

There has been increasing violence since the removal of the shul, including the event in which Yehoshua Kroizer was dragged by a policeman by his peyos, as was captured on video. This led to outrage in the chareidi community and among chareidi leaders. The policeman has been suspended pending the outcome of the investigation against him.

City employees have already been sent to the Cheftziba neighborhood to wash away graffiti against the mayor, which the extremists spray painted on walls. They insist “there is no way the mayor will succeed in removing the shul”, which they plan to renew in defiance of City Hall.

It is pointed out that during Abutbul’s tenure, illegal shuls and other structures were also removed, as the mayor explained the law must be enforced and even the chareidim may not place illegal structure on public areas as they wish.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Please explain YOUR definition of “Extremists”. Calling someone extremist 6 times in one article is not a valid definition.

  2. Lakewhut and Netzhachama – come to Beit Shemesh and then (a) see if the Dati Leumi are the “enemy” (I don’t refer to any Jew – especially one who is Shomer Torah uMitzvos – as an enemy), and (b) why they are called extremists. As a local resident, I can say that I completely agree with what the Mayor has done.

    an Israeli Yid

  3. I am also a resident of RBS and I am Chareidi. The mayor is RIGHT. Under Abutbol’s reign of terror women were attacked, cars were attacked, soldiers attacked and demonstrations were weekly. We couldn’t complain about anything or ask for help because the machers in his fiefdom wouldn’t listen, unless you are Shas.

    The city is quieter now, the fanatic extremists don’t have the traction and freedom to cause trouble and the city is actually getting a facelift.

    As for these illegal shuls… how many shuls does one block need? They are an eyesore, and the trash left all over the place is disgusting. Get rid of them and make a little space with benches and a tree or two. Of course, that assumes the kids won’t vandalize said trees.

    You continue, Mayor Bloch.

  4. some how people seem to think that the more extremely religious one is the closer he is to G-d; unfortunately we see that looking soooo very frum and acting soooooo very frum is an external manifestation of a stupid person…..

  5. anIsraeliYid, agree with you 100%. People like lakewhut don’t actually live in RBS or anywhere in Israel for that matter. It’s easy to choose a biased side sitting by your computer in a Lakewood home.

  6. I too agree with the mayor. My beef is with YWN calling people he disagrees with “extremists”. As the saying goes “An extremist is someone that is more Extreme than I am”.

  7. Lakewhut–go jump in the Lake. When EXTREMEST drag you out of your US home, the doors will be closed for you in OUR beautiful Medina.

    Dati Leumi are endangering there lives to protect these parasite extremists. I repeat go jump int the Lake.

    You should be ashamed of yourself calling Dati ( frum) enemies. Don’t forget where your parents came from a few years back.

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