LOBSTER COVER-UP: Israel’s Embassy In Brazil Mocked Over Clumsy Attempt To Conceal Treif Meal

A lobster can bring down an entire government coalition – but only in Israel. That’s why embassies and ambassadors are under instruction never to publicly show non-kosher food.

We can now understand why the Israeli embassy in Brazil photo-shopped the picture of Israeli Ambassador, Yossi Shelly, dining with Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro. The problem is that the photoshopping was not done particularly well. One can still see the tentacles of the lobster meal that they were both eating behind the crude black x-marks that were used to cover it up.

The ambassador tried walking it back – by claiming it was actually salmon. Last we checked, however, salmon does not have tentacles. Shelly claimed that he did not eat what was being served, but the knife had fish leftovers on it.

The Times of Israel quoted him as saying “all sorts of foods were served, including salmon. I didn’t eat what was served to avoid offending the participants. For the same reason I blackened the photo so that it wouldn’t be understood otherwise, G-d forbid.”

Later, he offered further clarification to an Israeli TV station saying that seafood was served but “I don’t eat those things and definitely don’t order them. I put it aside and took salmon, which has a similar color,” according to the paper

The meal occurred on Sunday at a restaurant called “Brasilia.”

A similar incident happened during the peace talks with Yitzchok Rabin, but it was saved from being reported in the media. This time, however, the government was not so lucky. It was widely reported on Fox News.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. At least he was trying to prevent it from being “bfarhesyah” which in halacha strongly mitigates the aveira.

  2. Right…. I’m sure they were eating chulent and potato kugel, and the wine is Kedem Concord. Many already know that several secular Israeli officials don’t keep shabbos or kosher. That’s between them and Hashem. Lying about a photograph is a bigger problem between the citizens they are supposed to truthfully and ethically serve.

  3. If you look at the article on Fox News, you will see that he had salmon during that meal. The reason why he blocked it, was so that no one should mistaken that he was eating lobster Chas V’Shalom.
    Fox News gave him the benefit of doubt I.e. Dan Lekaf Zechus. And a Jewish website has to portray this story in the most negative fashion possible?!?!?!?
    He himself said he didn’t eat lobster.
    Why the need to spread hate and unconfirmed fake news.
    Is there a chance that these suspicions are unfounded.
    Is it possible that a mistake was made.
    Can we judge someone favorably?
    Thank you
    May peace and tranquility be restored unto our nation.

  4. Just acknowledge the obvious. Its really difficult to find fresh lobster with a good hashgacha this time of year. This is Brazil, not Portland Maine.

  5. What is more troubling, is that we have bare headed pork eating chilonim like Lieberman/Lapid and their ilk in the Knesset lecturing Chareidim on what’s good for them to shteig and grow in Yiddishkeit. These tumahdika drunks know better than Frum Yidden what’s good for them. They’ll decide whether a Ben Torah should slam shut his Gemorah and join pork eating michallelie Shabbos buddies in close quarters in the IDF. Sure, that makes a lot of sense. Aha. Who needs Gedolim who are steeped in Torah mitoch kedusha to advise us when we have filthy sleazy pleasure seeking chilonim who hate us for no reason, to advise us.

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