PROTESTS UNDERWAY: Shiva Of Ethiopian Killed By Police Has Ended

There has been quiet for a number of days as the family of Solomon Tekka is sitting shiva. However, the protests seen nationwide last week resumed on Monday, as the family gpt up from shiva.

Dozens of mothers were marching through Tel Aviv in a show of rising anger over the police officer’s fatal shooting of an Ethiopian Israeli teenager, which touched off the violent protests last week.

Police were out in force as Ethiopian Israeli women and their supporters rallied on Monday, demanding justice for Solomon Tekah.

The police officer who shot Tekah remains under investigation by the Justice Ministry.

The violent protests seen last week around Israel were sparked by an off-duty policeman in Haifa shooting an unarmed 18-year-old member of Israel’s Ethiopian community, Solomon Tekka.

On Monday morning, after getting up from shiva, the mourning family visited the kever.

There are reports that the community’s response may be dependent on the release of the Police Investigations Unit into the shooting, as they insist the shooting was unjustified and the policeman, who is under house arrest, must be held accountable for his actions.

The policeman saw a number of youths fighting in a park, where he was spending time with his wife and children. He came over and after identifying himself, he claims he came under attack with a barrage of rocks, feeling he was in life threatening danger, and he fired his weapon at the ground. A ricochet entered Solomon’s left chest, killing him. The findings of the autopsy support the policeman’s version, that he fired at the ground, as only a fragment of the bullet entered his chest and the remainder was found in a hole in the ground at the scene.

The policeman added he feared firing the warning shot in the air since there were so many people around.

Protest organizers told the media the protests will resume towards “preventing another Solomon Tekka”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Let the Police get a feel of what they have been doing to others all this time. The lawyer for the chareidi man in Beit Shemesh who got dragged by his peyes says the police have BAD training. Why do they go through years of schooling and training only to come out beating innocent people.

  2. Until the story of the killing, everyone ignored all the little incidents of police misbehavior, well that time is up. Everything they will do going forward will be heavily scrutinized

  3. Making a korban of a public servant who does his duty to protect the public was what happened when Elor Azaria, an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldier was prosecuted for shooting a terrorist in Hevron. The unnamed policeman was off duty and simply wanted to protect the public at large. Is he now going to be made a korban because the quiet peace loving Ethiopian people threaten to set fire to more police vehicles and make life hell for ordinary law-abiding Israelis?

  4. If you watch the video, the police are not systematically or effectively taking control. They are just punching, trashing right and left. Let them calmly arrest one at at time
    I wish I could give them training

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