Shortly After Rabbonim Call For Massive Protest In Bnei Brak, Military Police Release Peleg Talmid Kitov

Kitov visiting with his Rosh Yeshiva following his release

On Sunday afternoon, rabbonim affiliated with Peleg Yerushalmi announced a large protest would be held in Bnei Brak on Monday because talmid Daniel Kitov, who was arrested recently for being AWOL, remained in IDF jail.

Not too long after the word of the major protest began to spread, Kitov was released by military police.

Kitov was stopped for a routine inspection when police were alerted by the computer that he is wanted by IDF authorities for being AWOL from service. Israel Police notified military police and he was sentenced to 20 days in military lockup.

There were numerous violent hafganos in Jerusalem last week on Kitov’s behalf.

Attorney Menachem Stauber succeeded in showing the court, using legal maneuvering, that his client was AWOL for less than a year, and the court decided to then release him earlier than expected.

Kitov is a talmid of Yeshivas Meiras Shemuah in Ashdod, headed by HaGaon Rav Nachum Rosenblatt.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit: קבוצת רוטרניק)

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