Peres to Youths Joining IDF: You’re Just Like Moshe Rabbeinu at Har Sinai

peresPresident Shimon Peres on Friday, 20 Tammuz 5773 met with youths from the “After Me” (אחריי) organization, which encourages enlistment into the IDF. Many youths were taking part in the long march, throughout the night, ahead of their expected induction into the military. The end of the nightlong march culminated with a ceremony hosting President Shimon Peres.

President Peres said “I give you a bracha and commend your decision to enter the IDF and to serve in combat units. You are different from other youths around the world. You learned something extraordinary, to serve your people, to volunteer and to place your lives in danger.”

“I commend you for your desire to turn the State of Israel into a wondrous place as Moshe Rabbeinu did on Har Sinai. We are all his disciples and follow his path. You should be blessed, continue to grow and don’t compromise. Continue serving the people. There is no greater pleasure.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. Peres should have know better than to make such a statement.

    Both on the left (Leibowitz) and right (hareidim) one hears criticism that zionism has evolved into an avodah zarah – that Israels have made the medinah and the land into a replacement for ahavas Ha-Shem, learning Torah and doing Mitsvos.

    So why would Peres go out of his way to play into their hands. A president in Israel (in a job designed as a republican version of the British monarchy) should be promoting reconciliation, not polarization.

  2. A lot of hooey. My husband would say “Don’t say such shtusim in the public bathhouse.”

    BTW – YWN – his name is Peres. Please correct it in the article.

  3. Peres has entered the Joe Biden zone! Both should be ignored. Any questions should be handled by their home attendant/aid.

  4. Right on the real kofers are the ones who tell them not to join the army. Where does it say kollel boys never serve

  5. Every time I visit your site, and others like it, I see what the “chareidi” population thinks and feels. I become more and more pained at your lack of basic mentchlachkite. Growing up in a fairly modern environment, I had exposure to chareidim, but I never knew what they really thought or were made of. Thanks to your website and you competition I have an unfortunate keen understanding of you poor misguided values. don’t bother responding about your only value being blah blah blah… You are all deluding yourselves.

  6. Yishar Koach to President Peres.

    Unlike the small coterie of NKs and Satmars who vent their sinat-yisrael on this site’s comment board, the immense majority of Am Yisrael agrees with the sentiment voiced by the President and loves and salutes the soldiers of the IDF.

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