Prominent Anti-Israel BDS Lawyer Commits Suicide

It was a sad end to a deeply misguided soul. On the outside, Simone Burns appeared to be an international human rights lawyer who was concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people.

But on a flight from Mumbai to London last year, she physically and verbally abused an Air India cabin crew – leaving one crew member with bruises. She had flown business class and was angry that the staff had refused her repeated alcohol requests. Her expletive-filled tirade and deeply bigoted abuse of the Air India staff revealed the mind-set of a racist whose roots and thinking goes very deep.

After her tirade and her arraignment at Isleworth Crown Court, she was sentenced to six months in jail in April. Simone entered Bronzefield Women’s prison and was released on certain terms and conditions on May 20th.

Thirteen days after she was released from prison, she took her own life on Beachy Head in East Sussex. Her body was found on June 1st, and only recently was eventually identified.

The barrister, was born in Belfast and often used the surname O’Broin. She was one of the leading lawyers in the BDS movement in England.

Counter to what her legal representatives said at her trial before sentencing, her Facebook posts were filled with bigotry and racism.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. After her tirade and her arraignment at Isleworth Crown Court, she was sentenced to six months in jail in April. Simone entered Bronzefield Women’s prison and was released on certain terms and conditions on May 20th.

    Thirteen days after she was released from prison, she took her own life on Beachy Head in East Sussex. Her body was found on June 1st, and only recently was eventually identified.

    How many days are there in may???

  2. When I happy that is rashanta is gone from this world. She will burn long and hard.
    And to @dryidd that’s not pshat. You can be very happy Hashem got rid of an enemy.

  3. I’m happy that is rashanta is gone from this world. She will burn long and hard.
    And to @dryidd that’s not pshat. You can be very happy Hashem got rid of an enemy.

  4. At last some good news to brighten up the day. She was a vile creature. The world is a better place without her. Sometimes you just need to say it as it is.

  5. It’s an explicit machlokes in the gemara — between Haman and Mordechai. When Haman bent down to let Mordechai onto the horse, Mordechai kicked him. Haman cited the pasuk בנפול אויבך, and Mordechai replied הדא בישראל הוא דכתיב, but about the likes of Haman it is written באבוד רשעים רינה.

    This is why those who imagine that we spill the makos on Pesach in mourning for the Mitzrim are very very wrong. There is no source for that idea, and it is against what the Torah and Chazal tell us explicitly. (You will sometimes see it attributed to the Abarbanel, but I challenge anyone to find it inside.)

  6. Milhouse, Mordechai’s response was actually a different pasuk: ואתה על במותמו תדרוך which was appropriate under those circumstances. Here, the pasuk you cited seems more appropriate.

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