A NEW LOW FOR LIEBERMAN: Runs Ads In Russian Attacking The Gerrer Rebbe Who He Claims Runs the Country

Yisrael Beitenu party chairman, MK Avigdor Lieberman has chosen a new chareidi target, this time, the Gerrer Rebbe Shlita. Lieberman has reiterated that following the next election, he will not sit in a coalition with the chareidim.

He adds that during his political career, he has worked with the chareidim, and backed almost all their demands, which led to having give up on his principles that he announced during elections.

Now however, he has crossed a line for he levels his attack against the Gerrer Rebbe Shlita, albeit only in election adverts in Russian.

The party has publicized circulars as part of its election campaign to the Russian speakers, in which he states a coalition headed by the Gerrer Rebbe would have been more expensive than going to elections.

In an ad published in the party newsletter, it was written, among other things, alongside a large picture of the Rebbe: “What will make the State of Israel poorer? Maybe a new election would be a big expense, but if the government had been established together with the chareidi public, it would have cost us 16 times as much, and we would have had to pay all of that money from our pockets.”

In this way, Lieberman tries to persuade potential voters the early election caused by him is still less expensive than the right-wing government that would have risen.

He then continues that “No one chose the Gerrer Rebbe to be in charge of us, but in fact, he does run our lives and the state, and in addition, he dictates orders to the prime minister”.

He continues, writing, “You must be acquainted with this man, who is called Yaakov Alter and because of his whim, we’re going to elections. He said yeshiva students would not serve and his word is law. No matter what they thought and what they examined at the Defense Ministry, and what the professors of economics think, and what the chief of staff and IDF generals think, all of this does not count because the Rebbe said no.”

“A person that no one chose and 99.9% did not see and did not know he existed. The head of one of the Chassidic courts, who inherited an unlimited rule over his community of 50,000 followers, and the whole country is jumping in the air in order not to adhere to his word. Do you want to live with it? If you do not vote for me, it will be.”

Kikar Shabbos published a response from sources in the Gerrer Chassidus; “Yvette crossed all the acceptable lines and he chose to do what no one else would do – to harm the most important spiritual leader in the State of Israel. We will not restrain ourselves from harming the rav, and what happened in Arad was small compared to what will happen now.”

“There is not enough paper to contain the amount of lies. His incitement machine will end with a lack of public interest”, Gerrer officials are quoted adding.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Evil wicked Rasha! He disgraces the holy name Avigdor (build fences), one of Moshe Rabbeinu’s names. It’s a shame this pork eating drunk got out of Russia. He would of been better off thrown in the gulags.

  2. Ok so he has now admitted to the voting public that he chose that they all have to come out and vote again. That should work nicely against him.

    Additionally he has now given huge motivation for the chareidi public to come out and vote against him.

    Thanks Avigdor. Very soon when your political career fades away into the trash heap we will be very grateful indeed.

  3. Lieberman; an impostor leading the russians in Israel. With this kind of behavior he’s not even a Jew.
    The Gerrer Rebbe is a man of Hashem and far above the clown named Lieberman.
    Lieberman; a shame for The Jewish Nation.

  4. When reshayim speak out against the gedolai Yisroel, we are obligated to make a mecho-oh. Otherwise we could chas v’shalom be punished for appearing to agree by remaining silent. There are many proofs to this in the words of Chazal

  5. Check over the translation of the quote from Gerrer sources. “We will not restrain ourselves from harming the rav”??

  6. Instead of screaming and shouting the haredi community should be organising. Every single haredi in Israel needs to get out and vote in the elections. That is the only way to silence the soton Lieberman.


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