DOUBLE STANDARD? Man Asks Police Why They Are Beating Chareidim, But Ethiopians Are Allowed To Protest [VIDEO]

As violent protests raged around Israel on Tuesday, one man decided to ask police about what appears to be a double standard in Jerusalem.

The man was at the Chords Bridge at the entrance to Jerusalem, where Ethiopian protesters shut the entire intersection, as police stood by on the sidewalks and did not even attempt to reopen the road, or make any arrests. The man is seen questioning many officers about the double standard. None had an answer.

Meanwhile, just a few blocks away, police were violently crashing with members of the Peleg Yerushalmi as they closed Yaffo and Sarei Yisroel Streets. More than 20 were arrested, as police used water cannons, horses, and other riot gear.

YWN notes that in many areas of the country police were in fact arresting Ethiopian protesters, and police were being just as violent, although the double standard question does remain regarding Yerushalayim.

Watch the video which speaks for itself.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

36 Responses

  1. That’s a stupid question. Except for Muslim Palestinians, Hareidim are the state’s worst enemies. A large number of Israelis feel the expelling them would be in the country’s best interests. The Ethiopians are part of the fabric of Israeli society. They are good zionists (even the ones who are religious). If Chareidim gave up being “weird” and dressed normally, and served in the army, and stopped insisting on following halacha, the police would not be beating them.

  2. The answer is that the Ethiopians Jews are not seen as an existential threat to Israel’s ruling elite. The Hareidim are.

  3. Ethiopian Jews serve in the military and struggle to make an honest living. They’re protesting what they believe is a murder. Haredi protesters in Jerusalem have been treated with impunity for a very long time, sometimes even when they committed arson and threw stones. Why? Because they refuse to fill out a piece of paper that will EXEMPT them from the draft!

  4. akuperma, you are so wrong!

    “If Chareidim gave up being “weird” and dressed normally, and served in the army, and stopped insisting on following halacha, the police would not be beating them.

    no need to stop doing all these things, just stop blocking the traffic (would also maybe help not to call soldiers nazi), and no one will beat you. I know dozens of haredim who live in israel and never got beaten once by police and they do all the things you described? Do you know why? Because they obey the country’s law.

    But as longest people like you break the law, and play the “victim card” it will just get worse.

  5. lets see the chareidim make a chilul hashem , claim to to be observant jews, and bilk the system financially, but they are so lisheim shamayim

  6. My problem is not why they were beating the chareidim. It is why were they not stopping the Ethiopians from being public menaces. Protests that chant messages are healthy and legal. The ones that create damage for others are not Torah acceptable. There is nowhere that the Torah condones doing these blockades against innocent civilians. And none of the Peleg gedolim have been able to quote such a source. Chaining yourself to the White House gates doesn’t inflict damage on anyone. We may question the intelligence involved. But blocking public access to ones work, home, doctors, etc. is criminal behavior. I refer you to שערי תשובה, שער שלישי, אות קס”ה. Causing pain to the public is not just an aveiroh, but is one of those that results in loss of one’s חלק לעולם הבא. Check out this reference, and then prove that there is a heter to engage in the protests that damage others.

    I do have a complaint to the police. They did wrong by allowing the Ethiopians to cause public disruption without reacting. This needs to be investigated.

  7. Look at the Ethiopian protesters, not a kippa in site, they’ve been secularized, and are now part of “Israeli” , that is secular ,society. Therefore, they can protest all they want and the police won’t touch them. Never saw a haredi protest that destroyed a private car.

  8. Because the Ethiopians are gentiles. Some underwent a fake conversion like some Russians while others didn’t.

  9. @akuperma knows the answer. the chareidim are enemies of the zionists. zionism was created to turn all the chareidim into “normal israeli society” and take off their “weird” dress. that being told, we can very well understand their hatred toward the chareidim which provides them with the drive to beat them up and lock them away. as opposed to the ethiopians who “shtelled tzu” and assimilated. so traffic jams are just a pretext.

  10. @The little I know, you are wrong on almost everything you said, which shows you truly only know very little.

  11. Can’t believe this. You all have no problem bashing your own people.
    Ethiopians, Arabs, blacks, are allowed to do do whatever they want because bla bla bla.
    But if I want to keep my way of life, it’s ok to kill beat and harass. Do you think of yourself as a nice person?

  12. COUNTER QUESTION! How come in the history of Israel NOT ONE chareidi has ever been shot and killed by police and by the Ethiopians there’s been an average of one a year?

    This video is twisting things and spreading hatred nothing more. Another idot so blown away by his “genius” question that he can’t get enough of it, focusing on being sharp instead of truth and justice.

  13. In Europe, in America everywhere religious Jews are attacked, and now even in Israel!!! It’s a shame!
    It means that even so called israelis hate religeous Jew, they hate especially Chareidims. Like the Arabs do.
    Israel is finally like any other country. The zionists did not bring a solution to the problem,
    only more hate against The Torah. I pretend that the secular people in Israel are not real Jews.
    It’s just mentioned in their papers, but it’s without any value. In fact, they hate Jews. They are antisemites
    like the people in Europe.
    Mr Lieberman is one of them who hate the Torah people. I would prefer they took back the original name
    of this bit of land: Caanan. The secular Jews and the police are not acting better than the Caanan people.
    I ask myself how all this will end up. It looks like during and after the second Temple. New dispersion in view?

  14. Where is Netanyahu, Lieberman, Lapid, Deri, etc…? Who’s running the show? Doesn’t anyone in government work? Do they care? No press conference? Nothing?

  15. DT:

    I gave you references and plain moral logic. Can you cite something, anything reputable to support your challenge to me?

  16. its all about Culture!!!! the Jewish Culture!! tell me how many Religious Ethiopians were there VIOLENTLY protesting? i think you can blame zionism they were brought over / saved and given NO Religion or had what they did have taken from them. its like the Yemanites the zionist suppressed their ability to be interrogated into a proper sustainable society called being Jewish and without at least knowing what they are not doing its going to fail. and i feel sad for them. they came and were ripped off the the secular zionist

  17. Don’t get carried away. This particular incident is very simple – it’s very bad optics to have black people being beaten by white police, and the world might all hear about it and add all kinds of headlines. Whereas a picture of a beaten Charedi won’t go anywhere…

    I’m not justifying it, but you have to put it in prospective, using your Seichel…

  18. akuperma,
    These Ethiopian guys sure look like “part of the fabric of Israeli society”, the society we chareidim don’t want any part of…

    The Peleg protests are bad to, and I’m no fan, but there’s no comparison…

  19. @The little I know as always knows very very little. So sad. So much hate and disgust from a few anti semites that hang out on YWN. So sad. So so sad.
    @Joseph what a sad hater you are. sad.

  20. @Abraham mansson, your point is true but I would add 1) that not only Zionism didn’t bring the solution, but they also made it even worse. in which country in the world will you find the government and its official agencies should act with such hate against orthodox chareidy jews??
    2) It’s not the latest thing that Israel hates religious Jews. some parts of the chareidim knew that in the beginning and that’s why they are protesting since the creation of the state of Isreal whenever they note that the government is looking to beat religion by using a law or force, so they recognised the government as an anti-religious from day one, but the other part who tried another way slowly they begin to realise the truth that the state of Israel hates all the chareidim no difference if you go to protests or not.
    The mission of Zionism wasn’t to have a religious state, it was to have a nation and culture without any attachment to religion like any other secular country, so chareidim are not part of this vision, therefore they are not welcome.

  21. the onewho knows little:we will start from the beginning:
    “My problem is not why they were beating the chareidim.”
    If you dont have a problem with those dogs beating the yerushalmim, who are anshei tmimim, talmidei chachamim, yirei shomayim who have in their mesorah to be moche, from gedolei olam such as r yosef chaim zonnenfeld zy”a reishis kol, and just becouse you have different rabbonim that say to take a different approach, it means you couldn’t care less when those yidden are being beaten in the streets like rabid dogs!!???? shame on you!!!! then you want me to put up with your “plain moral” hogwash????? you`re not even worthy of debate with. ah gutten

  22. I just cannot believe the horribly violent video you posted of them ripping a car apart and throwing it into the flames! I hope no one was in the car! This is what happens when people are void of Torah!
    What right do we have to be called Jewish and get the land promised to our forefathers? Only by keeping our promise to accept the Torah which was given to us BEFORE we went into Eretz yisroel! Torah, am yisroel, and hakodesh Baruch Hu are bound!
    We get to have Eretz Yisroel on the condition of keeping or side of the deal! If not we just have trouble from the enemy within and without! At the time of the churban those who didn’t want listen also blamed, ranted and raved against our rabbis who rebuked and pleaded with us to remain true to the Torah. We didn’t listen then and it didn’t end well. Hashem should have mercy upon all of us and may we all awaken in time and return to the right path that our father in heaven intended for us! This galus and all its insanity has lasted too long!

  23. As long as you dress like a goy, you’re not weird!!!! Thanks, but no thanks!
    ps. I’m not condoning Peleg protests in any way, but these Ethiopians sure know how to do it better.

  24. Groups that have no voice in civilized society will raise their voice in an uncivilized manner. Ethiopians and chareidim are two of the most discriminated-against groups in israeli society, chareidim because they have ineffective government representation and ethiopians because they have almost no government representation. The shivas tzion project needs some tweaking – if only American Jewry would be willing to join us here and help out instead of simply commenting on YWN.

  25. RRR What historical fact did i miss?

    I don’t know if you live in EY or not but the chareidi protesters are treated with SILK GLOVES compared to how any other protesters are dealt with. There is a reason why the police come to chareidi protests wearing just a shirt and with their bare hands as opposed to by the arabs or anyone else they come in full riot gear guns grenades etc..

    By the chareidi demonstrations both sides know that no one is interested in hurting anyone rather they are just trying to make their point heard. The rough physical and verbal exchanges at chareidi protests is simply the way feelings are expressed in Israel and no more.


  26. > Duvidf

    As already mentioned by others, you are wrong in assuming there were no such Haredi deaths in the past. The difference is that the Haredi were legitimately scared enough of retaliation (in many forms) that “generally” they did NOT break into riots (and certainly not in any significant numbers). Because they did NOT break into riots the media stories on the deaths were muted and made no impact. Further, the Ethiopians are darlings of the secular media and the Haredi are the opposite, so even when the Haredi do protest (or even riot) the media reports them in different manner. So stop confusing the difference between what actually happened and what actually gets the headlines.

  27. DT:

    You are also not worthy to debate. But for the sake of other readers Here, I will explain myself. The protests, if they were in the least consistent with anshei tmimim, talmidei chachamim, yirei shomayim who are following gedolei olam such as r yosef chaim zonnenfeld zy”a, they would do so without the damage to other Yidden who are not the target of their protest. Did any of these Gedolei Yisroel advocate blocking streets so that people cannot get to work, home, doctors, simchos? None of them ever uttered such a thing. That’s why the masses of Gedolei Yisroel today do not support Peleg. I do not fault them for their rage, not for their desire to protest. But they damage everyone else, and they should be removed from that position. They insist on continuing their mission of מצער את הציבור, and our Shulchan Aruch permits handing them over to שלטונות. I am not in favor of any form of violence, not by protesters, not by police. But these protesters are certainly not doing their thing in a manner that is tolerated by Torah value, and you know it. Have you also lost your intellect because of your rage?

  28. Protests Should be encouraged to be done legally and with civility, riots should not be accepted in any civil society! They need to be stopped before they gain momentum, right at the onset.

  29. Duvidf I actually live in Israel and I am eight generations Israeli. How about you?

    Why in heavens name are you comparing the chereidim with Arabs? Do you not understand the difference.
    And no, they are not treated with silk gloves just because the Police did not bring full riot gear guns grenades

    Get a life and again, read some history.

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