Litzman Demanding A Guarantee From Netanyahu That Shafir Will Remain Exclusively Chareidi

The chareidim are concerned and want a guarantee from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that the city of Shafir, which is to be constructed near Kiryat Gat, will remain exclusively chareidi – Deputy Minister Litzman has learned the marketing is planned for the general population, prompting him to demand a guarantee from PM Netanyahu the city will remain exclusively chareidi

The marketing of the new community of Shafir, located near Kiryat Gat, is expected to begin in the near future, and this will determine the character of the city, for if marketed in the chareidi sector, it will remain chareidi, but if marketed to the general population, this will not be the case.

The chareidim view the new city as being planned for them exclusively. However, according to a report from Arik Mirvosky in Globes, chareidi representatives have learned the marketing strategy is planned for the general public. As such, the report adds that Deputy Minister Yaakov Litzman has turned to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and asked for an immediate guarantee that the city will remain exclusively chareidi. Litzman called on Mr. Netanyahu to become immediately involved in the matter.

Litzman wrote, “There is a severe shortage of housing for young couples just married in the chareidi sector. They get married and do not have any money. They live in machsans (storage rooms) and storefronts without air, in a 20 square meter (215 sq. feet) apartment, no larger. The problem is significant, and some say that 200,000 apartments must be built for the chareidi sector in the coming decade”.

Litzman stresses the problem is real and the needs regarding apartments for chareidim differ from the non-religious population, including but not limited to a sukkah balcony, separate sinks, buildings that are not too many floors and infrastructure including religious buildings and schools.

Litzman reminds the prime minister that following elections for the 21st Knesset a few months ago, the suggestion was made for the area of Kiryat Gat West to become the home of a new chareidi city which would include tens of thousands of apartments towards partially alleviating the severe apartment shortage in the sector.

According to Globes, Yahadut Hatorah had two main demands in order to agree to joining the coalition: government assistance in the form of apartment grants for buying second-hand apartments, especially in periphery area, and the planning and building of Shafir west of Route 40, on the land of Moshav Uza, opposite Kiryat Gat – with the first stage to include 11,000 apartments, with future stages to include an additional 40,000 apartments.

Litzman points out that general marketing of the community will destroy the possible solution to partially alleviate the severe housing shortage in the chareidi sector, resulting in “irreparable damage”.

“I would be grateful if you would instruct the appointed authorities to freeze any move that is taking place in Shafir for a long time, so as not to frustrate the option of giving the chareidi public the city of Shafir”, he concludes.

The Israel Lands Authority told Globes: “The Israel Lands Authority intends to market the said compound after a development agreement is signed, regardless of the composition of the population that will live in the neighborhood.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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