Apartments Intended For Avreichim Are Being Rented To Non-Frum Tenants

Chareidim who purchased apartments in new buildings under construction in Moshav Achisamach, in the Chevel Modi’in Region, have learned the community is not going to be a chareidi one as promised.

Avreichim purchased apartments in the moshav a number of years ago based on the promise that a chareidi community was under construction. Kikar Shabbos News quotes Mordechai, an avreich who invested in his apartment five years ago, realizing in a number of years, he would be moving into the new home in the chareidi community, but when he went to check out the community, he was shocked to see that no chareidim were living in the community, as the persons walking around the area of his new apartment were secular. This painful reality has resulted in the avreichim deciding to rent out their apartments to non-frum tenants and to look for a suitable place to live. Secular residents of Lod are renting the apartments they thought they would be moving into.

The report adds the avreichim expected to move into their new homes in the coming months, as the buildings are almost ready for occupancy, but now, they are realizing they are situated in the midst of a non-religious community.

Another avreich, Shlomo, who is currently living in Bnei Brak, is quoted telling the media “Like my friends, I too purchased an apartment and I have learned the area is in high demand among the secular residents. They are paying NIS 3,500 monthly for an apartment on the seventh floor, a new apartment. Why wouldn’t they jump at such a bargain”, he states.

Residents of Achisamach explain the secular persons now living in the community are not about to leave because they understand if they all do, the chareidim will move in in large numbers. Hence, it appears that while buildings were constructed for chareidim, in practice, they are going to be occupied by secular tenants and the planned chareidi community is not going to happen.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Oh no, they will have to live with secular. Maybe they can be an example for them? Maybe do a bit of kiruv? Or are they worried that they will be attracted to their lifestyle?

  2. laughing: You obviously don’t know what it is to live with the secular here. It’s not like the USA where they’re harmless. Secular people in Israel are so anti and so incredibly in your face, and non-respectful, you CANNOT “go to them,” you have to bring them to you.

    Don’t kiruv brings down your level of Torah, that’s a fact, so you try to stay sheltered as possible and have a quiet Shabbos, like they did in Europe.

  3. @aymdock I have lived in Israel in a “mixed” community. Many of my friends and colleagues are secular. Never was an issue. I guess being insular explains why so many people go OTD.

  4. well then laughing, how many of your secular friends did teshuvah as a result of your kiruv?
    seems to me, their attitude toward frum people rubbed off on you

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