Report: Police To Recommend Deputy Minister Litzman Be Indicted

Israel Police are in the final stage of compiling evidence against Deputy Minister Yaakov Litzman in three different cases against him, and will recommend a criminal indictment against Litzman in at least two of the cases, pointing out while there is substantial evidence in two cases to warrant indictments, the third case is problematic.

According to a KAN 11 News report over the weekend, police are planning to recommend criminal indictments against Litzman pending a pre-indictment hearing, at which time he will be able to tell his version of events.

The main case against him involves Malka Laufer, a former principal of a chareidi school in Australia who fled to Israel to avoid arrest for alleged attacks against children. She is wanted by the Australian authorities for allegedly committing over 70 attacks against girls, as reported by YWN-Israel.

Litzman has reportedly been playing a key role in preventing her extradition to Australia, including efforts to obtain an expert opinion that she is mentally unfit for extradition. This case against him states he exceeded and abused his authority with his involvement in the case of Laufer, and had no right to act as he did, to block the indictment of a suspect wanted by authorities in another country.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. It’s a shame that Mr. Litzman could not control himself when he got the power and resorted to taking money from special interest to advance their cause it would have been nice to show that a Sabbath observant Jew and a Chasidic one to boot knows how to control themselves and behave in an honest fashion

  2. Advocacy is a virtue. But basing this on complete lies is unacceptable. Anyone whose commitment to truth wavers is unfit for political office. And if it involves anything of criminality, the price should be paid.

  3. This is crazy! If you can’t beat someone at the ballot box and his ideology is different than yours, then try to take him out through the court system. The same think the left in the US is doing. This is NOT real democracy. The left controls the courts and they go to their people to take out their opposition.

  4. Conserv:

    Baloney! It is childish and embarrassing to believe this is political. Protecting serial molesters from proper prosecution is morally intolerable. Mondrowitz & Leifer richly deserve the force of law. If anyone believes they will be found innocent, then let them have their day in court and prove themselves. If guilty, let them pay. We are not discussing someone who made a mistake, that’s one thing. These two are notorious. Litzman had no business interfering. This was not advocacy. This was protecting criminals, enabling them to continue to perpetrate violations on innocent children. Now it’s his turn for handcuffs.

  5. These cases are so difficult because, assuming the crime took place, the victims MUST have our support. At the same time alleged perpetrators deserve to be assumed innocent until proven guilty. It is also very important that there be complete clarity that the frum community supports victims and despises abusers. We so need moshiach.

  6. Thank you YWN for showing us what the Eirev Rav looked like.

    Unfortunately, it seems that some or all of the editors at YWN and many of the people commenting here are Gilgulim of the Eirev Rav.

    No thank you for the trouble you brought klal yisroel then and no thank you for the dirt, motzei shem ra and chillul Hashem you bring to klal yisroel now!!!

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