Emunah Women to the High Court: What About a Female Kashrus Mashgiach

kosherThe Emunah Women’s Organization has petitioned Israel’s Supreme Court seeking to legitimize females in the field of kashrus mashgichim. Organization leaders tell the court there is no reason that the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Kashrus Unit has not found a way to bring qualified women in to work as kashrus inspectors.

13 women have completed a course, and they are asking to be given the Chief Rabbinate exam to become certified as kashrus mashgichim but to date, the Chief Rabbinate has done everything but to administer the exam to them.

Emunah Women contacted the Chief Rabbinate 14 months ago, but to date, nothing has moved towards certifying the women. Emunah adds the situation mimics that which took place twenty years ago, when female rabbinical advocates tried entering the field and today they are an integral part of the system. “No one could have imagined then that these female advocates would appear before batei din, but they do” they add.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. This is an issue? Perhaps in terms of civil service. There is no halachic issue involved.

    Women frequently serve in that capacity. Indeed, if a restaurant or catering service consists exclusively of women (since many women are into cooking), it would seem quite undesirable to send a male into the kitchen to observe and chat with the women.

    The biggest issue with women in kashrus is if the job involves extensive travel or working in a male environment (e.g. spending several months on a fishing boat in the South Pacific making sure the fish are kosher).

  2. Wow, they would be great.
    Are they available, ready and able to hire one for my next simcha here in US or in Israel? What’s the question, besides financial taking jobs from the male gender?

  3. To “zionflag”.

    I hate to break it to you but here in the US, many of the “major” Kashrus Organizations already hire & rely on women as Mashgichim. There as some of the big Hospitals right here in the Tri State area that have women Mashgichim that work there over the long weekends. Don’t forget, kashrus is not always a 9 to 5 job. In many places, its a 24 hour non stop production. As far as I know, the OU currently does not hire women Mashgichim.

  4. Mashgichot are used in fertility clinics where the shalaos can be much more sever than in the kitchen
    I wonder if Emunah are aware of this

  5. Well Toras Moshe, the gentler gender are the Mashgichot in their own kitchens for one. They are more aware and more keen about kashrus than the less gentle gender. They are more serious and less lax when it comes to kashrus because they understand the achrius they take on in their own homes. Lets just start with that!

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