HORRIFIC: Berland Cult Member Savagely Beats Famous Mispallel At Kever Shimon Hatzadik

Reb Zalman Grossman, a well-known Tzadik and Chosid in Yerushalayim, was severely beaten in an unprovoked attack at Kever Shimon Hatzadik, Wednesday morning. Rav Grossman spends hours each day at the Kever lighting candles and Davening for people.

According to a report by Bichadrei Chareidim, Rav Grossman told a young child who was making alot of noise and being disrespectful at the kever to please be quiet and act appropriately. Seconds later, a young man, reportedly a member of the Shuvu Banim Cult, led by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, ran into the Kever, and began punching Rav Grossman repeatedly in the face, kicking him, and even throwing chairs and Shtenders at him.

People who were at the Kever were unable to stop the man, as he overpowered them all and continued his savage attack.

Rav Grossman was taken to the hospital, where he was treated for multiple traumatic injuries as well as serious facial trauma.

The security cameras captured the entire incident, and police are actively looking for the man.

The video below may be graphic for some. Viewer discretion is advised.

In an interesting note, video footage surfaced earlier this week of Rabbi Berland himself punching one of his own Chassidim in the face repeatedly in some type of unheard-of-before ritual.

Rabbi Berland constantly engages in eradict behavior, such as smearing olive oil on children’s faces, and spinning a dreidel during davening.


Rabbi Berland was released from house arrest just before Rosh Hashana a year ago, the result of a conviction for assault. Berland pleaded guilty to his actions against multiple victims. he had first fled Israel and traveled from country to country, thus avoiding extradition to Israel, where a warrant for his arrest had been issued. He spent time in the United States, Italy, Switzerland, Morocco, Egypt, Zimbabwe, and Johannesburg before being arrested and extradited to Israel where he faced the law.

His followers claim that Berland willingly took upon himself this disgrace, suffering, and exile, “which spiritually protects the Jewish People from heavenly decrees of annihilation”. It should be noted that audio footage was released where Berland was talking to his attorney about the details of one of his assaults.

Despite the charges and the guilty plea, he continues to be a celebrity-rabbi, as thousands of thousands of people flock to him.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

40 Responses

  1. This meshuga does not represent Rav Berland Shlit”a. Shame on you for calling his hasidim cult members. There are crazy people everywhere. Many gedolim can attest to the holiness of Rav Berland.

  2. I need a bucket to puke.
    And then we wonder why anti-Semitism is on the rise when we keep at it with sinat chinam among ourselves.this is really sad.

  3. Not sure which is worse….the animal who is a Berland follower attacking this Rav who clearly did nothing to precipitate the attack or the six or seven other guys in yeshivish lvush standing around and watching the attack with only two of them making any effort to stop the attacker. The article says they were “overpowered”….Huh?? How do you “overpower” a bunch of cowards who stand by watching an attack (except for the two who made some effort to stop him). As to those here who consistently defend Berland and his hoodlums, unclear why anyone would consider him a normal human being, much less a “tzadik”. At some point, the government needs to put him back in prison and let him rot away for life before he and his cult followers cause more harm to others.

  4. Despicable. That being said , I don’t get why we see so many times people just standing there looking and not getting involved. I understand the guy was a wild man but 4-5 guys just standing watching and not protecting ? The same thing was the other week when the video of the hoodlums in Bnei Brak came into the shuls, people just stood there watching.

  5. I’m so disgusted by this video. So many young and strong looking people just standing and ogling the beating, passively. When you see someone beating up someone else in shul you jump on him en masse and pin him down. Also, that kid that goes out of his way to give the cult member’s yarmulke to him after he finished beating up the mispallel and began walking out. I’m so hot under the collar now.

  6. After watching the footage, I have to disagree with the claim made in the article “People who were at the Kever were unable to stop the man, as he overpowered them all and continued his savage attack.”

    My interpretation would be “bystanders just stood and watched while this brutal attack occurred, doing nothing to stop it. Only one person who came running in after the attack had begun tried – and succeeded – in stopping him for a while. When the attacker slipped away and resumed the attack, this good Yid had to beg and scream at the other spectators to do something. Once they finally moved their lazy uncaring bodies, the attacker fled.”

    What’s wrong with those people? LO SAAMOD AL DAM REACHA is a Mitzvas Lo Saaseh in the Torah!!!

  7. This has nothing to do with Berland. The man who was beaten was suspected of something that I’m not going to mention here in a Jewish forum. It was probably not true and misinterpreted.
    But the boys father who has nothing to do with Berland, lost it on him.

  8. Can you explain why you find it necessary to bring Rabbi Berland into this story? You have a mishigina beating people up. He may be a follower of Rabbi Berland, therefore, you have to write an article about Rabbi Berland. Did he beat people up because he’s his follower? I don’t see the connection.

  9. frumshmurda718 you’re making a mistake. I know this group well.They are very violent. In fact when i pass them in the street or on the bus etc. I always keep a healthy distance as they are unpredictable. They are a walking chilul hashem!

  10. Why is Berland called Rabbi? Why qualifies him as rabbi?
    That aside, YWN will post any story that makes Yidden look bad. Is that less shameful?

  11. BisBoy- How DARE you be motzee sheim ra. I know R’ Zalman well. Nobody suspects him of anything. And they know him well there at the kever too. With a father like that thug, it’s not hard to imagine how the kid himself was behaving. EVERYONE knows to stay away from those huge thugs, which is why ppl. hesitated to get involved in trying to pull him away. He (and many others like him) came from the underworld, and obviously haven’t come far enough and nobody (including their rabbi) is doing much to make human beings out of them. They are VERY dangerous.

  12. Meshugana Berland beats yid in the face. Meshugana Berland follower does the same. Now they insinuate the beating victim is a rapist but they don’t say it. The truth for Sure is that Berland is a rapist. Disgusting how blind people are and think Berland is a Tzadik gamur and miracle maker. The same was thought of Yeshu.

  13. Rabbi Nachman of breslov explained through his great wisdom of ruach hakodesh. That these רוח שטויות of ppl to fight with צדיקים. Come from improper thoughts and behaviors, which can חס ושלום end up in assaulting a erliche yid hashem yishmor.
    Let us try to keep our minds and actions pure.

  14. @Dryidd Wow so you are calling Rov Dov Abuchatzeira, Rov Shalom Arush, Rov Yitzchok Grossman, Rov Dovid Kook, Rov Yitzchok Yosef, etc, “suspect themselves”?? What a Ba’al gaiva!

  15. Berland is not Breslov. He is the Sitra Achra. I lived in their neighborhood and saw many things first hand. Besides for in depth conversations with his son in law and many former cult members. Beware. And for all those defending him… either you are blind or brainwashed.

  16. In a video message that was released this morning by R Zalman himself it turns out that the boys who tried to protect R’ Zalman Grossman are from Shuvu Banim and not the attacker. Let’s see if the FAKE NEWS outlets will issue an apology or even run the true story. I doubt it.

  17. First that guy is not part of shuvu banim and the teens that help the rabbi out were part of shuvu banim cheak it up with rav grossmen himself please before you but down a godal hador. You רשה your speaking of one of biggist צדיקים did rav kaminetzkey say stuff against rav berland or rav ovadia no so who are you?
    did you find proof to speak out no you did not do understand גזרות in שמים no you dont and wont your were hat wight shirt live off your rich grand dad and jump on צדיק your what we the fake news of the jews

  18. Rav Arush has not associated with Berland in years. Don’t know about the others but I’m sure since it became clear who he actually is behind the mask, many opinions changed.

  19. Breslov is extremely dangerous. Once someone declares they have a Rebbe who is in Shamayim watch out. All kinds of craziness ensues. It doesn’t stop. Their sefarim have banned by most Chassidim and Litvishe yeshivas. Keep your kids far away.

  20. I want to ask anyone on this site that has negative things to say if they have ever spoke to this Rav. Instead you have years of accepting pure lashon Hara and MotzinShem Ra. I dare you to go speak to him one time. He speaks English. He is the humblest of any person I have ever met. Chaval there are people who enjoy accepting Lashon Hara about Gedolim. If you feel you have a grudge go to him and ask straight out.

    Some of us have lost any sense of basic decency.

    Dont listen to second hand trash if you can’t accept the possibility that person himself who is saying it over has his own problems.

  21. Members of the Berland cult beat up one of HaRav Yaakov Kaminetsky’s,ZT”L grandsons a few years back perhaps in the zechus of Reb Yaakov Berland fell!!!!

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