Shock In Meron Following The Petira Of Rav Shlomo Shushan Z”L

Rav Shlomo Shushan was niftar in Haifa’s Rothchild Hospital on Wednesday, where he was admitted for treatment of an infection. He was one of the well-known figures at the tziyun of the Rashbi in Meron. The rav was admitted to undergo a medical procedure and was niftar suddenly.

The rav lived in Yishuv Bar Yochai and a regular at the tziyun, performing ‘chalakas’ for children who came to light candles and get their haircut. He was also a regular for neitz at the tziyun as well.

Many Jews who came to the tziyun would come to see the niftar and speak with him in order to receive joy alongside brachos that he would bestow on the majority. Every morning he would daven in a pleasant way, and before neitz, he would sing as he recited Tehillim with special emotion.

Rav Shushan, a Breslov Chossid, was also a regular at the tziyun of Rav Nachman in Uman on Rosh Hashanah. He was a gabbai at the Sephardi minyan in the main Heichal at the tziyun ‘Ichud Breslov Uman’.

The levaya was held on Wednesday at 3:00PM, with kvura in the Meron cemetery.

תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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