Deputy AG Dina Zilber Preventing Gender-Separated Classes For Chareidim

Deputy Attorney General Dina Zilber is once again at the heart of creating difficulties for the chareidi tzibur that wishes to continue maintaining its lifestyle regarding gender-separated seating during classes and events.

In this particular case, the issue is pertaining to a state driver-safety course which is required for new drivers as well as veteran drivers who accumulate too many points (violations).

Women’s organizations petitioned against the gender-separated courses, arguing that “the transformation of the public space into a separation between the sexes is not only discriminatory and unjustified, but also contributes to the expansion and normalization of separate spaces in many areas of life in Israel.”

In the past, contractors hired by the state to offer the course have accommodated separate seating when requested, but now, with Zilber’s latest intervention, it will no longer be an option in the state-compelled courses.

There are three companies providing the courses today and they will no longer be accommodating requests for separate seating when these courses are given in chareidi areas.

MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Uri Maklev told Kikar Shabbos News “This is not discrimination against women, as the women request the separate seating. They are the ones discriminating against women who wish to study in a separate setting”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. In an orderly government there are rights on the law books and citizens can insist on their rights. How can a government employee make such decisions? This is anarchy.

  2. I recently walked by the Bituach Leumi building in East Jeruersalem which serves the Arab population and there are clearly marked separate entrances for men and women. Why doesn’t she take action about that?

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