Rav Shapira Shlita Enters Race For Chief Rabbinate

shapiraRosh Yeshivat Merkaz HaRav HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Shapira Shlita has announced his candidacy for the post of Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel. The rav made his announcement on 17 Tammuz 5773.

The rav is quoted telling his talmidim “we believe in the koach of the Chief Rabbinate and its ability to spread love and the love of Torah through pleasantness and cooperation from rabbonim in cities nationwide.

The rav added it is essential that the chief rabbi does not represent a specific sector, but that the individual is accepted by all.

Rabbi Shapira is a son of former Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaRav Avrohom Kahana Shapira ZT”L.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I wasnt sure form which eidah and what hashkofos this rov represents and then i saw commentor number one praising it… aw shuks!

  2. Someone once asked Rav Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld Zt”L, Why are you so against the Rabbanut ? They Have Rav Kook Zt”L as the candidate for Chief Rabbi. [Contrary to public Belief, Rav Y”C Zonnenfeld held Rav Kook Personally in great esteem].

    You are Correct, answered the wise sage. Today they have a Kohein. Next Will be a Levi, Proceeded by a Yisroel, Proceeded by a Mamzer…

    How Prophetic!!! After Rav Kook Z”tl was the Levi Rav Herzog… After Rav Unterman, they Had The Mamzer aficionado Goren.

    And So it Goes From there on…

    It might be a Respectable Position to be an actual community rav working for the Rabbanut, But to be the Chief Rabbi IE to Represent & Kasher all the shameful Government Actions- ONE MUST REALY BE A BOTTOM FEEDER.

  3. Are you part of the non-thinking, follow-me agenda #2?

    I think I will research the candidate myself and come to a conclusion, funny thing I saw that UTJ MKs are also endorsing this Rabbi. Maybe there’s something to it.

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