Jerusalem Motzei Shabbos Trash Pick Up Pilot Program Is Being Expanded

The pilot program of garbage collection on motzei Shabbos in Jerusalem is viewed as a major success and therefore, the Jerusalem Municipality is expanding the removal of garbage to additional neighborhoods.

In light of the success of the garbage collection program on motzei Shabbos, Mayor Moshe Leon instructed to expand the program beginning on motzei Shavuos.

Mayor Leon: “In the framework of the sanitation reform that Jerusalem has been undergoing in recent months, we have embarked on a pilot of garbage collection on motzei Shabbos in several selected neighborhoods, and the pilot was very successful, so I decided to expand it to other neighborhoods. The removal of garbage on motzei Shabbos makes neighborhoods cleaner for the new week, and also eased traffic jams on Sunday mornings. We will continue to make every effort for the welfare of the residents.”

The program began on a motzei Shabbos two months ago, and the expansion will begin on motzei Shavuos. The pilot program began in N’vei Yaakov, Chomat Shmuel, Reches Shlomo, and Har Nof. Residents of those areas expressed satisfaction over the new program. The expansion will now include Romeima, Shmuel HaNavi, Ramat Eshkol, Maalot Daphne, Sanhedria, Makor Baruch, Geula, Beis Yisrael and Bucharim.

The city is asking residents not to park too close to the garbage dumpsters since doing so complicates their removal.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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