WATCH THIS: Deranged Girl Throws Items Out Of High-Rise Jerusalem Apartment

An mentally-unstable person trashed her Jerusalem home and the street below, Monday afternoon.

The girl began throwing every item she could grab out of their 5th floor apartment. Dishes, glass cups, large electric fan, dressers, clothing and other large items kept flying out of the windows.

Luckily, no one was injured below.

Police and an ambulance were eventually called, and the girl was taken for an evaluation.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. And what is the point of posting this?? This girl was likely born healthy just like everyone else, and unfortunately developed an illness. Have you no heart?

  2. I am in shock that YWN would post such a thing. Is there no oversight on this website of what is posted? We are rachmanim. How can you mock someone with a mental illness? I have been bothered before by this website’s subtle anti-chareidi bias but this nees story reaches a new low. Ad masai?? W

  3. This should not have been posted. It may not be a legal violation of privacy, but it is most certainly a moral violation of privacy. Mental health is not a joke for all to get entertainment from.

  4. And imma613, what does chareidi or anti chareidi bias have to do with anything here? THAT is what bothers you? This is not even close to a chareidy neighborhood!
    Time to start taking a real look at the world, without distorted lenses.

  5. Imma613 – usually I find YWN to be responsible in its reporting, but I agree 100% with you here. It is cruel & unnecessary & the video should be taken down. But FTR, there are non-Chareidim living in this complex. it is horrible no matter who it is.

  6. And what about the person who actually took the video? Who stands around filming such a thing? Is her life so empty that this was her “entertainment for the day”?!

  7. Amazing.. reading the above comments you all developed a whole story about this girl.

    Parents going through tough times
    Born healthy but developed illness

    Whats the difference between her and Chardim throwing stones? It’s a rhetorical question , you’ll find the answer in your story.

  8. Imma613; How is the poor girl being mocked? It’s just a news report. I guess the term “insane” footage was in poor taste, but what can you expect from tabloid media? Who says she is Charedi? You can hear someone saying something about a television being thrown so doesn’t seem Charedi.

  9. It would be appropriate for YWN to remove this story. It may cause shame to a family.

    This is not an ANTI- VAXXER!!!

  10. It is about time we get to see mental illness for what it is. This is reality for thousands of families within our midst . This is but one that went public, unfortunately, for this family. Hopefully, she gets the proper help she needs. She was obviously screaming out to be helped, not mocked! We all need to educate ourselves and our Community to see the signs of mental illness before it gets this bad. Mental illness is real! It wreaks havoc!

  11. I agree it’s unnecessary & wrong. But now that it’s reported let’s say a kapitel tehilim for her speedy treatment and recovery. And let’s all agree and tell our children that medication is OK when a doctor advises to take. People think a consultation at the psychiatry Dr is a death sentence. If anything it can be tchias hameisim

  12. Sorry – i see now why my post was unclear. I did not mean to link the YWN’s sometimes subtly anti chareidi posts with this one. This is just insensitive and offensive in general – no matter who is being mocked. There are 2 separate issues with YWN. The sensationalist and often inappropriate content and, separate from that, their subtly anti chareidi bias. Yes this story was not in any way anti chareidi. It was pure leitzanus and immature. Does any rabbinic figure oversee this site or are the people who run it not following any daas torah whatsoever. If the latter is true, i think they need to change their name from “yeshiva” world news as they most certainly do not live up to their moniker.

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