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Sderot Situation Continues to Deteriorate

Sderot Mayor Eli Moiyal on Tuesday met with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as the situation in the southern city continues to deteriorate. During recent days, the number of rocket attacks has increased significantly and residents are beginning to leave in larger numbers, many with feelings of anger, fear and despair, as well as a feeling of abandonment by the national government.

Moiyal called on Olmert to do more, questioning what is being done to minimize attacks, to provide additional tax and other incentives for residents and asked for a timetable, something that he can take back to constituents who are at the brink of despair.

The prime minister said all the correct phrases but the mayor left un-encouraged, not really presented with any hard facts or realities that he can pass onto residents who are seeking some hope that the current realities will not be permitted to continue.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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