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Intelligence Chief Warns of Planned Major Attack, Hamas Claims 200,000 Suicide Bombers

hamas kids1.jpgIDF Chief of Intelligence Major-General Amos Yadlin on Tuesday warned terrorists are planning a major attack to coincide with Israel’s 60th Independence Day celebrations, May 8th.

Addressing cabinet members, the intelligence chief made reference to the infamous Park Hotel attack on Pesach, thousands of Gaza residents breaking through the border into Israel and the abduction of soldiers as partial scenarios.

The senior officer added that Hamas is not interested in a truce, and prefers to continue attacking Israeli military and civilian targets.

Meanwhile, senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar in a Gaza address on Tuesday stated, “If Israel has 200 nuclear warheads, Hamas has 200,000 suicide bombers waiting to blow themselves up against Israel.”

Addressing a Gaza University conference, Dr. al-Zahar referred to Israel as the “Zionist entity,” adding if the Zionist entity does not accept the Egyptian-negotiated ceasefire, it will pay a heavy price.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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