Pashkavilim Threatening Chareidi MKs with “Pulsa D’nura” Seen in Meah Shearim

Pashkavilim in Meah Shearim threaten chareidi MKs that if they back a new draft law, the Pulsa Dnura (פולסא דנורא) tefilla will be recited against them.

The anonymous pashkavilim signed “Severe Cherem” (“חרם חמור”) state that the new draft law will result in the “destruction of Hashem’s people and His Holy Torah” and “Standing at the helm are chareidi MKs who incite, sin and cause others to sin and openly declare that the draft law for conscription into the destructive IDF is good R”L”.

It adds, “these MKs who call themselves chareidim are the Judenrat of today and therefore, we are compelled to recite Pulsa Dnura against them”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. There is no such thing as a “pulsa dnura tefilah”. It is a 20th century invention, and exists mostly in the imaginations of the media (mostly the secular media).

  2. Whatever they’re backing, it is with the direction of the Gedolei Yisroel. It would be as if sending a Pulsa D’Nura against the Gedolei Yisroel. That will only explode in their faces.

  3. Again, there is no such thing. Someone in the 1930s made it up, and gullible journalists publicized it, and now all kinds of people think this is something genuine, something from our secret mystical tradition.

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