Toeiva Activists Target Office Of Jerusalem Chief Rabbi After He Says Flags Make City “Ugly”

Activists affiliated with Israel’s toeiva community hung rainbow flags outside the office of the Jerusalem Rabbinate and painted graffiti in a vandalism attack on Tuesday morning in protest against Jerusalem Chief Rabbi HaRav Aryeh Stern.

Last week Rav Stern called on Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon to prohibit the flying and waving of the rainbow flag in the upcoming toeiva parade in the capital, which is scheduled for Thursday, June 6.

In his letter to the mayor, Rav Stern acknowledges that the mayor does not have the authority to ban the flag during the parade, but nonetheless, he asks that the mayor issue an order to ban it in a symbolic move to protect the city from the flag, which Rav Stern explains “makes the city ugly”.

The vandals spray painted “Love thy neighbor as thyself” in their AM graffiti attack outside the rabbinate.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The same Torah that tells us to Love Ones Neighbor as You Love Yourself, tells us that homosexuality is an abomination. If you wish to make your argument from the Torah, then you need to take the entire Torah into account, not just those sections that fit your agenda.

  2. The social activists are terrorists and should cease their terrorist ways
    I resides is SF CA and know well many liberals are liberals because they fear the malice of the homosexuals and other minorities
    100% Jerusalem wants to say no to a gay parade as homosexuals are abominations and Jerusalem strives to be a holy city
    The mayor is an Orthodox Jew and should stand up for holiness and a kiddush hashem
    Say no to them until the land of Israel is holy and free of abominations
    It’s embarrassing to the chosen people
    The Jewish nation
    When and where will the law of go-d be law ?
    Who can go-d entrust his holy places to if such a display of anti holiness happens on your watch ?
    Why are the Muslims gaining power globally ?
    Why are Jews disrespected by anti semitism because of such displays of weakness ?
    Stand up for go-d, holiness, and orthodoxy before its to late again

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