Bennett to the Chareidim: Stop the Attacks!

bennIn a message to the chareidi community via the media, Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett sent the following message in a press event.

“This is not the first time that unbridled attacks take place and they must be stopped. Rabbi Stav is a talmid chacham, one who has dedicated his life to reconciliation among Am Yisrael. There were red lines that were no crossed, but those were crossed last week. I urge everyone to calm the situation. There will be elections. Whoever is elected will be elected but it will be done in a responsible and respectable fashion.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. On the one hand Bennett and the other hand Rav Ovadiah…. It’s disgusting to see him telling a gadol hador what he should or should not do….

  2. how adorable. With the unrelenting attacks on chareidim, creating a rift among Jews throughout Israel, Bennett keeps his mouth shut. As soon as someone he “cares” about is put on the defensive he suddenly cares about who is a talmid chacham and red lines being crossed.

  3. To no 2..Interesting I also thought that many times but didnt dare mention..His callousness and betrayal of Haredi Jewry is to be condemned..What a joke…suddenly he wakes up when one of his people are being abused..He has abused Traditional Klal Yisroel in an unforgivable and unforgettable way..

  4. This man is the biggest hypocrite for months he’s been launching attacks against charaidim,lomdai torah etc. etc. and that’s fine, but we’re not allowed to fight back,while he tramples on everything that is holy in the land of Israel shame on him. This is a man who seems to have acquired the character traits of our Arab cousins

  5. Perhaps Bennett should stop the attacks on the frum community that are coming from his movement, including the demands for conscription, restrictions on Torah education, and demands to require men and women to be in close physical contact in all public services.

    Bennett should be seen as similar to the Germans demanding that the Alies stop attacking in September 1939. If he doesn’t want a war, undeclare it,

  6. I must say that the comments here are a disgrace. Bennett was referring to the incident where Rav Stav was assaulted and insulted. Do you all really believe that this is the way to argue the chareidi case? If yes, we have moved a long way to the a “milchemes achim”. Lastly, “coffee addict’ comment is far ,far beyond the pale ! It is disgraceful.

  7. rabbiofberlin
    i agree with you one hundred percent . the problem here is that lots of these kids have high on candy aka money from the government doing nothing , and now that mommy stops the candy for those that don’t deserve it they will try to do anything like spoiled brats to get it back.

  8. rabbiberlin,

    lets see you and bennet say the same thing when your kind start beating up on chareidim learning torah

  9. The Haredi movement has many great points, however, the presentation is lame. Time for a public relations make-over. It’s sad when you see such Gadolim speak lashon hara…just sets a bad example.

  10. To #2

    Beyond the obvious similarity in Bennet & Putin’s Appearances.
    There is a more sinister Kinship.

    They are both players in the communism/Zionism Torah hating politicians

  11. SSHH!!! SH! Bennet can read English and this may cause the contradictory of our goal. The “Daas Tora” of our gedolim is to rather go bedarkei noam by learning and be marbeh betfilla that things should be for the good than to cause uproar by attacking directly via protest or media….
    Last but not least, it is most important that we chas vesholom DON’T call the Zionists “nazi’s”(see comment 7) like these “meah she’arim fanatics” or communists (see #2 & #13)….
    = H Y P O C R Y C Y !

  12. Most of the comments I read here are retarded to say the least. How can their be a “war on Haredim” as some put it when it is the Haredim that are for the most part not working and not even wanted to be expected to work yet they would like to receive free things from the government and State that some of you (they) despise?
    I’m not going to say that I agree with everything Bennett and some of the Modern-Orthodox do, but definitely their is a world of difference between them and the Haredim and between the societies. Things are drastically changing, get over it.

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