Chabad Activities in Meron Nearly Banned on Lag B’Omer

There is a legal battle between the Meron Residents’ Committee and Chabad of Meron regarding use of a 600 square meter area in the city during Lag B’Omer.

The Nazareth District court earlier in the week rejected a petition from the Meron Committee and decided Chabad can conduct activities on Lag B’Omer. Contrary to the court’s decision, Israel Police earlier in the week prevented Chabadnikim from setting up at the site ahead of Lag B’Omer. However, on some time Tuesday morning, police received a clarification and permitted Chabad to continue setting up for Lag B’Omer on the site based on the ruling of the court.

Chareidim10 News quotes the Chabad representative explaining they will be selling tens of thousands of Sifrei Chassidus at a subsidized price, they will be distributing ‘Chalaka’ kits and selling words in a Sefer Torah for children. They will also be holding children’s activities every hour on the hour as well as airing videos of the Rebbe throughout Lag B’Omer.

The Chabad operation in Meron on Lag B’Omer is not new, beginning in 2011, hosting tens of thousands during the holiday event. However, on erev Pesach, the Meron Committee petitioned the Nazareth District Court to have Chabad evicted from the site. The petition maintained the original process and permit were faulted and therefore, it should be canceled retroactively.

Chabad maintained there is no basis for the Meron Committee’s petition. However, the court issued an injunction preventing Chabad from continuing preparations pending a decision in the matter, which Chabad maintained would lead to significant damage regarding preparedness for Lag B’Omer.

The court ruled it does not have jurisdiction and referred it to the Magistrate Court. However, due to the time factor, the court did rule, stating Chabad may remain, the fence around its complex may not be removed, and it may continue its regular activities as it has done in the past.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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