Another Near Miss at Ben-Gurion

israel airport.jpgGalei Tzahal (Army Radio) reported on Tuesday morning that once again, there was a near-miss incident over the skies of Tel Aviv, the latest occurring last week. The incident involved a military Hercules transport aircraft and an El Al plane.

According to the limited information available, the military flight complied with instructions given by the IAF control tower, which apparently brought the aircraft on course with a El Al plane. The military craft was instructed to travel to 2000 feet due to limited visibility, but the move was not coordinated with Ben-Gurion Airport air traffic controllers, leading to the near-miss incident.

An air traffic controller saved the day in this incident, realizing what was taking place. Fortunately, an accident was avoided but Civil Aviation Authority officials warn once again that the current situation is unacceptable and too many such instances are occurring.

The Office of the IDF Spokesperson released a statement confirming the incident, the mistake by military personnel, adding disciplinary action will be taken.

There were at least 150 people on board the El Al flight an air traffic controller reported.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Our “wonderful” army!! What a bunch of misguided proud peacocks full of hot air and nothing else. If this is the most powerful army in the Middle East and they cant even guide in a plane safely to landing then…

  2. #1 Whatever you may think about their level of piety and shmiras hamitzvos, It is the height of chutzpah to insult the men and women who stand, with the help of HKB’H between you and a suicide bomber, or you and a Hezbollah squad. So if there is an air traffic controller who isn’t as good as he needs to be, DAVEN for him, don’t insult him! The Sinas Chinom is oozing from your post!

  3. BARUCH HASHEM, if you know how to look at the daily news in Israel, it is easy to disern the hand of hashem in everything. Thank you Hashem for saving the lives of your children.

  4. #1. its because of this “terrible army” that u critisize that allows you to peacefully daven in the mekomos hakdoshim and sip latee in the plaza so stop critisizing or leave your comfortable home ,enlist and make it better

  5. While I agree that Israelis must have hakaras hatov to the IDF for protecting them, it is still pathetic that not one, but two incidents like this occurred.

    That the yad Hashem saved lives once again is indisputable, obvious, and, at the same time, irrelevant to the simple reality that the military should have, and act on, whatever information is available to the civilian authorities so that their planes and the passengers remain safe.

  6. Thank you guys for your comments!! Of course my sympathies lie with the simple soldiers and yes I daven for them too. My problem is with the “big boys” who sit in the Kiryah (equivalent of Pentagon) and are hot air peacocks. The continued accidents and almost accidents that are unfortunately almost a daily occurence in Israel and affect the simple soldiers (not the hot brass) are proof of the lack of care for jewish lives that is so prevalent in the Israeli army today. Just read some of the Winograd report for further proof. Look at Gilad Shalit, Ron Arad, etc. etc. for further examples of today’s situation. Even Jonathan Pollard shows how the “leaders” of Israel only care for themselves and not the individual Jews under them.

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