Carter Continues to Blame Israel

carter-arafat6.jpgFormer US President Jimmy Carter told NBC that Israel is responsible for the ongoing warfare in Gaza, stating the Israelis rejected a Hamas proposal for a truce. Carter added that he blames Israel for depriving the Gazans of food and water.

He explained that Hamas has exhibited flexibility, a willingness to accept a ceasefire in Gaza alone, willing to forgo demands for a cessation of IDF operations throughout the “West Bank” (Yehuda and Shomron).

Carter stated Hamas was elected in a democratic process and Israel must recognize this, further explaining that there cannot be peace otherwise since Hamas represents at least one-half of the people and won the election “fair and square”.

The former democratic president also pointed a finger of blame at the republican-led White House, stating Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told him in their recent meeting that he was distanced from peace efforts by the Bush administration.

Regarding captured IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, who is being held by Hamas since June 2006, he stated Israel only needs to agree to Hamas’ prisoner list and an exchange would take place.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. Carter would have backed hitler Y”S had he been around then.Hell needs a leader ,too.He ain,t worth peanuts,he is nuts.

  2. I thought that this was a “news” site – hence the title “Yeshiva World News”. this isn’t news, this is the same old story with a different byline.

  3. It’s very simple; they gave him money to build a library and money for speaking to Arab listeners. Just follow the money and you will see how this low life exposes his true identity. I have more respect for his peanuts then I have for him.
    When you don’t get recognized by the masses you go to the left. And, this is what he is all about.

  4. Carter layed a wreath at Arafats grave – that speaks volumes for who we are dealing with! What a shame that his good deeds will be outweighed by his foolish ambitions to legitimize an governmebt of thugs and hoodlums!

  5. Now all you dirty dems go stick your heads in the sand and go vote for another democrat, do that mistake again. I love to watch how in politics mistakes are repeated over and over again.

  6. a pachad nora such a creep was a US pres.,also hashem yismareuinu if this other guy gets elected, yes , you do judge a person by the company that roots for him, the role models he looks up too, the people who are his advisors, etc, etc..

  7. U R RITE, Hamas has been very flexible in its killing agenda of Jews, somedays its grenades, other time rocks and rockets, poison in restaurants, snipers in yeshivas, CREATIVE & FLEXIBLE!!! Carter is full of peanut shells, goodbye and good riddance.

  8. Mr. Carter clearly hates Israel and expects them to have done/not done and do/not do things what they are far beyond reason (of course Israel does so to itself, too, but this does not excuse anyone else’s behavior likewise.

    As Hamas’s charter clearly outlines their goal of Israel’s complete destruction, there can be no serious question of Hamas being interested in peace. Fatah was founded before Israel conquered the so-called west-bank and gaza, but that fact is ignored, too.

    From a religious Muslim point of view and an historical fact (see the accounts of their prophet’s mass-murder of the Jews of Arabia), a Hudna is not even a traditional western ceasefire.

    A Hudna is a temporary cease fire (in theory, anyways) for the sole purpose of re-arming to the point of ability to vanquish the other side.

    So when offered a Hudna, or, in other words, a promise of future destruction, why is that to be considered a “carrot”?

    And why does Israel have to agree to these murderers’ prisoner swap list? How many civilians has Mr. Shalit intentionally killed? Certainly zero. How many Israeli civilians have those prisoners murdered or helped murder? Certainly not zero.

    Criticizing Israel has its place, but aiming to destroy its citizens is pure evil hatred and “anti-semitism”, too.

  9. Duh!
    Guess who received money from Saudi foundations?
    Good answer! Yes, Carter and his Center have accepted millions of dollars from suspect sources, beginning with the bail-out of the Carter family peanut business in the late 1970s by BCCI, a now-defunct and virulently anti-Israeli bank indirectly controlled by the Saudi Royal family, and among whose principal investors is Carter’s friend, Sheikh Zayed. Agha Hasan Abedi, the founder of the bank, gave Carter “$500,000 to help the former president establish his center…[and] more than $10 million to Mr. Carter’s different projects.”…The prece is from Alan Dershowitz’s article in Frontline Magazine.
    Bikitzur, Jimmy Carter has been bribed by them since the 1970’s!!

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