Rav Levinstein Of Bnei David: Soon We Will Reach Out To The Tzibur To Protect Torah Values

One of the leaders of Yeshivat Bnei David, Rabbi Yigal Levinstein, has announced that in the coming months, he is going to ‘hit the pavement’ and begin participating in parlor meetings in shuls and gatherings in response to the “new alternative culture” that poses major challenges to the world of Torah Jewry.

In recent years, rabbonim from Bnei David have been under a media attack aimed at closing the Mechina. In the framework of the attack, quotations made by rabbis during the past twenty years from shiurim in the preparatory program are presented from time to time in order to delegitimize them. Now, Rabbi Levinstein sees an opportunity to meet with many people in order to spread his teachings and the doctrine directly, towards sending a clear Torah message of what lifestyle is acceptable.

In his letter sent to alumni of the yeshiva, Rav Levinstein writes, “The cultural world around us is changing and it challenges the Jewish and religious world in personal, family and national circles. The new discourse poses new questions about the encounter between the Torah and life.

“As religious people who have taken upon themselves the effort and responsibility in Israeli society, in the Torah world, reality requires us to clarify the new issues in depth. I took upon myself the task of meeting with all those interested in engaging in a common clarification of the challenging issues.”

Later on, Rabbi Levinstein described how he plans to implement his plan over the next few months, and “I would be happy to meet with any community that would be interested in a parlor meeting, shiur, shut’im, in different styles, such as a group or a shul for women and men. I devote myself in the coming months to this matter. I will be happy to arrive in the evenings, including motzei Shabbos, or any day to deal with these weighty issues.”

At the end of his letter, Rabbi Levinstein addressed the alumni and asked them to help organize meetings around the country: “I turn to you, graduates, to anyone who wants to raise the gauntlet, to initiate and organize meetings in the communities, through the gabbaim or just the community or your colleagues or any other framework.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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