Deputy Minister Yaakov Litzman Address Remembrance Day Ceremony [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman on Wednesday morning participated in the Remembrance Day memorial in the Kiryat Gat cemetery.

Litzman placed a wreath as is customary for ministers, and then recited a perek Tehillim in memory of the fallen, then speaking as a representative of the government.

In his speech, Deputy Minister Litzman said: “Memorial Day for the Fallen of Israel is a day in which the painful and bleeding memory unites all of us. Raising the memory of the fallen removes the barriers within us in favor of those who gave their lives for all of us. On this day, we bow our heads to the families of the bereaved. Remember, hurt and cherish the fallen in the Israeli army.

“Standing here today at the foot of the graves of IDF soldiers who gave their lives for the benefit of the people living in Zion, we remind us forever: we are not standing in front of silent tombstones. Each tombstone is a testimony to a life story that was cut off, to a wick that was stolen by its own will. Every name inscribed on the stone embodies a story of heroism, devotion, courage and love of Israel.”

The Deputy Minister continued to address the dear families and said, “I know that there is no limit to your pain, and there are no words to be comforted by a mother or father, a brother or a sister who lost their loved ones forever. And tears for the loved ones who did not come home.

“But you have to know that you are not alone, and that a whole nation stands with you, painful, remembering and cherishing the great contribution of your loved one and dear families who have given them the most precious of all for the benefit of our people and our homeland. And official bodies alike, for the bereaved families.

“The State of Israel marks 71 years of existence, full of achievements in all areas, but we have not yet reached peace and tranquility, we are still in the midst of a war over our very existence. Many people have lost this war: warriors, civilians, fathers and mothers, old people and children – ‘Blood in blood touched.’

“Memorial Day removes from our content the differences existing in Israeli society in daily life. This is an opportunity to emphasize that which unites between us. For pain and memory are shared by all of us, and our enemies who want to destroy us do not distinguish between us. A common destiny for all of us.

“How sad and terrible that these days we once again encountered the pain of bereavement and the loss of life among tormented families who lost their loved ones to our terrorist haters. How symbolic is that the four victims of the last round of fighting represent almost all of Israel’s citizens. Moshe Feder, Pinchas Menahem Pashwazman, Zaid Alhamamdeh, Moshe Agadi – Hashem will avenge their blood.

“In the name of the fallen men and women and the memory of the martyrs of Israel, we will work to bring together the hearts, the unity between the different parts of the people, and the connection between the various populations in the Land of Israel.

“At this hour, we will be together with IDF soldiers, pray for the elevation of their souls and renew our commitment not only to their memory but also to their families, who bear the pain of loss in their heart. תהא נשמתם צרורה בצרור החיים”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. “Litzman placed a wreath”

    So he doesn’t mind doing some goyishe funeral custom, but being called “minister” instead of “deputy minister” is ossur? This guy would be laughed out of any beis medrash.

  2. Rebbe Yid…I guess you live in chutz… I guess his message of unity was lost on you…. also, MK Lapid had some lies to cause fractionalization to say about people that are different than him(hareidim), pre-YomHaZicharon…but MK Smotrich(United Right) reminded and reprimanded him…you should learn from him and you can learn a lot from Minister Litzman.
    Lots of stuff is allowed for making peace in Am Yisroel, don’t be so critical.

  3. Rebbe Yid

    …except the many Gerrer Shtieblach in the world. The Rebbe sent him to Knesset to represent the Chareidi citizens of Israel and knows fully what that means and entails.

  4. I guess he doesn’t mind “doing some goyishe funeral custom” because it gives comfort to those who have lost dear ones and DHM Litzman places those people above his own comfort. Everyone understands that and that he has not converted. Who anyway says it is ossur? The great YWN blog expert Rebbe Yid? Probably find more poskim who say it is ossur to be connected to the Internet than place a plastic wreath on a memorial plaque to give comfort to other Yidden whose loved ones were murdered.

  5. Joseph,

    R. Yaakov Litzman serves at the pleasure of his Rebbe, labors tirelessly to improve people’s lives and works to bring Jews together. You troll for your own pleasure, kill countless hours on the web and employ fake halacha to divide Jews.

    No wonder you can’t stand him.

  6. Geordie613, Phil: It is absolutely incorrect to assume that the Gerrer Rebbe shlit”a approves of anything and everything that Litzman does and says as a member of the government.

  7. Joseph,
    Yossel, mein tyrer! Punkt farkert!
    I assume that the Gerrer Rebbe shlit”a approves of anything and everything that Litzman does and says as a member of the government.

  8. Joseph,

    It is absolutely incorrect to assume that any Rav or Rebbe approves of anything and everything that you do and say as a nasty troll on the web.

  9. Geordie, if a Rov appointed someone to a position (in government or in an organization or wherever), and said appointee abused his position for personal gain or said inappropriate comments or committed inappropriate actions, would you declare the Rov guilty of approving such inappropriate behavior?

    If the the inappropriate behavior was especially egregious, they’d likely be reprecussions. Probably quitely transitioning him out of the position or even perhaps issuing a diplomatic statement clarifying it was an error. But if the inappropriate action wasn’t especially egregious, even though it was still wrong, the rabbim will likely hear nothing more about it. The appointee would likely receive a private admonishment we’d know nothing about.

    After all, the appointer isn’t responsible for every little mistake an appointee makes.

  10. “The appointee would likely receive a private admonishment we’d know nothing about.”


    You’re were so quick to assume that R. Litzman did something wrong that you now have to explain why he hasn’t been publicly admonished or removed. Hilarious; are you off your meds again?

    Let it be known that despite your fake veneer of piety, it is absolutely incorrect to assume that any Rav approves of anything and everything that you say and do as a web troll.

  11. Joseph,
    You are assuming that the chareidi parties’ MKs are chosen once and then left to their own devices. I suggest you read R’ Shloime Lorincz’s book about his interactions with the Gedolim in going back and forth seeking their advice about every decision he made in knesset regarding the chareidi (and general) public.
    I am absolutely certain that Rabbi Litzman has an open door to the Gerrer Rebbe Shlit”a, as do the other MKs with their respective Rabbonim and Rebbes, and that no decision is taken purely on their own. If this were not to be so, they would not be able to have the vast majority of the Shomrei Toprah uMitzvos in Eretz Yisroel voting for them.

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