PHOTOS: Neturei Karta Opens a Yeshiva in PA Occupied Hebron

Neturei Karta Activists on Monday inaugurated the famous ‘Knesses Yisrael Hebron’ building that is located in a PA (Palestinian Authority) area of the holy city.

A number of young Neturei Karta activists arrived at the ancient building with the knowledge of and permission from PA leaders in the city. According to a Kikar Shabbos report, they plan to remain in the building for the summer zman, as well as to bring bochrim along with them to learn there.

The head of the yeshiva reportedly stated that talks with the PA towards opening the yeshiva were clandestine to avoid having “the Zionists sabotage it”.

“The Palestinian neighbors accepted us with dignity and will, and expressed hope for a peaceful and fraternal life, as in the old days – before the Zionists came to Israel and the days of provocation on their part, in the wake of which the bloody riots broke out.”

The initiator of the idea sums up: “Baruch Hashem that we succeeded in establishing a place of Torah and in restoring the glory to its former glory.”

One is reminded that the members of the Chevron Yeshiva were slaughtered in the riots of 1929, long before the arrival of the “Zionists”. 67 Jews were murdered in cold blood by blood-thirsty Arabs.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

45 Responses

  1. Sadly, I suspect these idiots will learn that those who do not learn the lessons of history will suffer the same fate. Too bad its the innocent children that are placed at risk.

  2. I hope they will be very happy there. Perhaps their entire community might consider moving there, to Nablus, Ramallah, Jenin and Qalkilya. Adios. Oh and by the way when they need advanced medical treatment I’m sure their neighbors will be able to provide the best of medical services.

  3. It is not such a bad idea to establish Torah learning throughout the land of E”Y.
    However, do Neturei Karta learn Torah?

  4. Although the riots in ’29 were before the founding of the State, it wasn’t before the beginning of Zionism

  5. These guys should work for Barnum and Bailey. They are the funniest group of Bnei Noach around.
    Nice that they opened a מקום תורה, but who among them knows anything about תורה. Maybe they can learn Koran with that dude in uniform in the middle.

  6. Finally Neturei Karta is doing something positive – restoring Jewish life to a part of Eretz Yisrael where Arabs had kicked the Jews out. I’m not sure that they’d view it that way, but they’re no different from any other Jews moving to Yehuda and Shomron to re-establish a Jewish presence.

    I hope their Arab neighbors are kinder to them then they were to the last Jewish occupants of that building (HY”D).

    an Israeli Yid

  7. It is the usual when Klal’s Yisroel’s greatest enemies band together. Personally, I question whether these NK kooks are ancestrally Yidden. Their midos do not resemble anything known to Torah based Yiddishkeit. However, HKB”H has seen fit to make the yeshuos come through means that would otherwise be highly questionable. I seriously doubt that these true son’ei Yisroel will do anything that advances a cause for peace or a reduction in terror against Yidden. It is certainly not their mission. But, you can never tell.

  8. before you start screaming – this was a chol hamoed trip to have some distorted fun and take a pic – both sides no this is meaningless although it is upsetting & twisted

  9. This is proof that the p.a. wants to live with Jews who observe the Torah side by side. They only fight with Zionists etc.

  10. “One is reminded that the members of Yeshivas Hebron were slaughtered in the riots of 1929, long before the arrival of the “Zionists”. 67 Jews were murdered in cold blood by blood thirsty Arabs.”

    Not sure what you’re talking about. The Balfour Declaration was in 1917 (which expressed support for a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine), and all conflicts between Arabs and Jews were a direct result of this. The Zionist Movement- modern day Zionism was developed in the late 1800s in Europe, whose whole mission was the reestablishment of a Jewish homeland in then Palestine. It would serve you well to learn a bit of history before posting information which is completely incorrect.

  11. To the fool that thinks that Jews can live in peace with these Arabs, the past will surely prove otherwise for the future- assuming that these shkutzim stay there
    In any case what will they be studying- the Koran?

  12. “One is reminded that the members of Yeshivas Hebron were slaughtered in the riots of 1929, long before the arrival of the “Zionists”. 67 Jews were murdered in cold blood by blood thirsty Arabs.”

    The last part of the above statement indicates a stunning lack of basic history of the area and of, liHavdil, Zionism. The Zionists arrived and agitated in Eretz Yisrael long before 1948 and, in fact, were very much present there in 1929.

    According to Rav Baruch Kaplan, it was the “Religious Zionist” provocations at the Kosel HaMaaravi, against the wishes of Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld Zatza”l, that led to this massacre.

  13. According to Rav Baruch Kaplan, it was the “Religious Zionist” provocations at the Kosel HaMaaravi, against the wishes of Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld Zatza”l, that led to this massacre.

    Exactly. The Zionists were raitzing on the Arabs on that very erev Shabbos before the massacre. They were driving their motorcycles in circles davka to agitate the arabs. But then when the Arab mobs descended upon the Yiddishe gegin and slaughtered them, the Zionist cowards were nowhere to be found. Yes, the British could of prevented it but chose not to. They are also evil. These are all well documented facts.
    Anyway, will these NK have the same learning material as the Lev Tomei group?

  14. All we need is an Israeli F16 drop the bomb a few feet away and this “Terrorist Organization” is over.

    Don’t dare call them Jews!

  15. MosheinGalus: They are NOT “reform style” taalesim. These are Palestinian style scarves that were specially made for the occasion and were approved by the top of the line shatnes laboratory in Chevron.

  16. After Eight
    To use your own words, it would serve YOU well to learn a bit of history in that there is no such a thing as modern day zionism! Zionism began when Hashem gave the Jewish people the land of Israel for eternity as a covenant between him and Avrohom- any Baptist knows this.

    To distinguish and say there is a concept of Modern zionism is purely antijewish, antisemitic and anti torah, even Rabbi Yoel Titalbaum, the Satmar Rebbe espoused this very basic idea. You should be ashamed of yourself for your comments. Anti zionist is anti jewish for the simple reason that the Torah requires Jews to have a state or I should say supremacy in the land of Israel. See Hilchos Rambam Melachim and all other Jewish laws on the topic.

    Perhaps you are of the opinion it was a picnic for the Sephardic jews living in Arab lands? I suggest you review your history of the many pogroms and terrors faced by the Jews from the arab in their lands.

    Herzl did not get up and conclude there needs to be a Jewish state from his own billiance, the idea existed from times of Avrohom our father, promised throughout generations via the prophets and we are living that today.

    Of course jews were killed when the arabs saw a threat they wished to dispose of in its infancy. That does not mean it was because of the Balfour declaration or any declaration made by Herzl. Zionism did not start with the Balfor declaration, it did not start with Herzl either. It is a laughable comment you make that all conflicts between arabs and Jews began with the Balfour declaration. What was the cause of the Balfor decaration? what was the cause of Herzl wanting a Jewish state? What was the case of the cause that caused all of the events that led to this idea?? Since when did history begin at the Balfour declaration or Herzl????????? Please do not be foolish.

  17. Niturei Karta stole their name from the old, very legitimate group that was founded by Rav Amram Blau Zt”l. They have nothing to do with each other.

  18. A clever idea. The sight of frum Yidden living peacefully with Palestinians will greatly annoy most Israelis and almost all Palestinians, all of whom of whom dream a country without the other.

  19. nnmmnn I agree with what you said
    “Perhaps you are of the opinion it was a picnic for the Sephardic jews living in Arab lands? I suggest you review your history of the many pogroms and terrors faced by the Jews from the arab in their lands”.
    Sephardic Jewish have always been prosecuted in Arab countries even before there was a thought of even having a Israeli state let alone talks about establishing a Zionist quote-unquote Israeli state ….

  20. why are we even giving them the recognition of wasting precious time and media space for the sinas chinam that they create and promote ???????? let’s see how long their new “kin” come to realize that there is JEWISH blood ? Hitler yimach shmo didnt differentiate either

  21. The N’Karta should remember what happened when the Palestinians sent a message to Rav Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld ZTZ’l “Come join forces with us-don’t we both hate the Zionists?!”- He refused and responded: “We are not at all alike! Our problem with the Zionists is all the goyishkeit that has has become part of them, however the Arabs’ problem with the Zionists is the little bit of Yiddishkeit that is still left in them!!”

  22. The Arab on the Street has been hating the Yahud since Yishmael was told to take a hike. They have been telling their children for thousands of years that its their obligation to …. Rachmana Litzlon.
    Unless the PA station a battalion of soldiers around that building, they are really risking their lives kiving there. Its like living in a lions den with ‘tamed’ lions. One sneeze and you’re tonights’ catfood.

  23. This is a wonderful piece of propaganda for the palastinian cause, and they will make sure to guard them well.

    It is highly impractical to run a Yeshiva under such circumstances. It will only last as long as they are in the news and causing sensation.

    I don’t wish them any harm, but I sincerely hope they do teshuva very soon.

  24. Expanding the Jewish settlement in the Holy Land is wonderful , even when it is not being done in the name of a Zionistic government.

  25. From a full fledged Zionist:

    A Zionistic act performed Shelo Lishma by anti-Zionists is still a Zionistic act. Kol Hakavod for settling the land of Israel.

  26. One is reminded that the members of Yeshivas Hebron were slaughtered in the riots of 1929, long before the arrival of the “Zionists”.

    I have no time at all for these traitors to the Jewish nation, who collaborate with our enemies, but this statement is simply not true. The 1920 and ’29 riots happened long after the zionists arrived, and the 1929 pogroms were directly triggered by a zionist demonstration at the kosel.

    What the article should have pointed out is that Arab persecution of Jews goes back far longer than zionism, and the overall historical records of Dar-al-Islam and Christendom with regard to the Jews have been much the same. There is really not much to pick and choose between them.

  27. Will their American followers be joining them? They may as well live among their Palestinian friends.

  28. letter written by r boruch kaplan ztzal regarding the chevron massacre translated word for word from yiddish who was in chevron at the time of the massacre:

    When I was in Hebron in 1929, there occurred the tragic massacre of over twenty yeshiva students, great scholars, plus another forty members of the Jewish community. I would like to describe the error that has circulated in Jewish communities – a horrible error, that accuses the Arabs in Hebron of being murderers who attacked the Jews simply because the Arabs were “bad people.” In order to correct the record, this error must be corrected. The Arabs were very friendly people, and the Jewish People in Hebron lived together with them and had very friendly relations with them. They worked for Jews, and everybody got along just fine.
    To take just one example, I used to have the habit of walking a mile or two out of town all by myself to visit a tree that was believed to be the tree where our patriarch Abraham met the three angels, as described in Genesis. I especially enjoyed visiting the tree in the summertime. Along the way I would talk to the Arabs, though it was mostly using our hands because I didn’t speak any Arabic. Interestingly enough, no one in the yeshiva ever told me it was dangerous to go by myself among the Arabs. We just lived with them, and got along very well.
    I have also seen a letter from the Grand Rabbi of the Gerrer Hassidim of those days, Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter of Poland, regarding his trip to the Holy Land during the days when people were talking about emigrating to Palestine. He wanted to find out what kind of people the Arabs of Palestine were, in order to be able to advise people whether to move there or not. He wrote in his letter that the Arabs were a very friendly and fine people.

    Therefore it’s necessary to set the record straight about the accusations that the Arabs were terrible killers who liked attacking Jews. This was never the situation at all!

    Today’s wicked Zionists are just like their predecessors, who were responsible for causing terrible suffering in Palestine with their wars with the Arabs, may G-d have mercy. At that time in 1929, the Zionists had a slogan arguing that the Western Wall in Jerusalem was a Jewish “national symbol.” Of course, the Arabs disagreed with this idea, considering that they had control of the location for over 1,100 years. However, the Zionist mobs were yelling that “The Wall is ours!” It’s hard to understand why they felt that way considering they have no connection to the Jewish holy places whatsoever. An argument erupted in the Jewish newspapers about establishing a permanent prayer area for Jews at the Wall. This provoked the Arabs, and the rabbi of Jerusalem at the time, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld begged them to stop and to be appreciative to the Arabs for allowing Jews to pray at the Wall for so many centuries undisturbed. However, the Zionists wanted a permanent setup under their control.

    The Zionists refused to heed the calls of Rabbi Zonnenfeld, and they called a large meeting of Jews in Jerusalem – supposedly some 10,000 people showed up. One of the speakers was , who proclaimed, “Hear O Israel, the Wall is our Wall, the Wall is One” (which is a ridiculous pun on the blessing, “Hear O Israel, the Lord your G-d, the Lord is One”). This began the conflict at the time between the Zionists and the Arabs.

    Afterwards, we were studying at the yeshiva in Hebron, and saw a bunch of boys in short pants carrying weapons on bicycles and motorcycles, running around the streets of Hebron. We were very worried about this. What were they up to?

    In brief, our rabbi, the supervisor of our religious academy, Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein, called them for a meeting, but they refused. He was forced to go over to them, and asked them what they were up to. He accused them of wanting to provoke the Arabs. They responded that they were coming to protect us!! We cried out, “Woe is us! G-d have mercy!” They didn’t want to leave town until it was too late!

    These arrogant cowards only ran away when the local leaders of the Arabs called for a mass meeting of the people of the surrounding Arab villages. But it was too late; the Arabs got organized, and the Mufti called on his people to be ready Friday night when the yeshiva would be attending prayers. Of course, the yeshiva itself was anti-Zionist, but the Arabs didn’t know to distinguish between us and the Zionists. Sadly they attacked and killed some of our people, including the great scholar, Rabbi Shmuel Rosenhaltz.

    The next morning we heard about the excitement in town, and even worse, we heard the crying and shouting. I and a friend, Avraham Ushpener, lived in an apartment that was part of a three-story building leased by a Jew from an Arab. We could hear all the noise from our apartment on the third floor. We were terrified to let the Arabs in because we knew how angry they had become, but a while later things calmed down. In total, some 65 people were killed. On the other side of town, however, the Jews were spared.

    Why am I telling this story? It is because I wanted to describe how the wicked Zionists, both today and in those days, were the cause of our suffering! They cooperated with the Nazis, and our religion teaches that a person who causes someone to sin is worse than someone who kills him.

    It reminds me of an event recounted by Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld, who once visited Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz {Chazon Ish) when the Zionist state was established, and when there was fighting between the Zionists and the Arabs. Rabbi Schonfeld told Rabbi Karelitz about what was happening. Rabbi Karelitz told him that the crimes of the Zionists were much worse, because they were wicked heretics who were uprooting hundreds of thousands of Jews from their faith and that is much greater pain since our Sages stated that a person who causes another person to sin is much worse than if he kills him.

    In our own days there is a Zionist leader (Begin), whose arrogance and selfishness is more important than anything else to him, and for which he is prepared to sacrifice hundreds and thousands of Jews. These heretics and evildoers, this Zionist leader of a state that killed the Judaism of the Yemenite and Moroccan Jews, and of many other Sephardic Jews! This is the work of these thugs and gangsters. And there are religious Jewish parties who dare to state that they love this man?! Everyone must know that the anger of the Arabs against us is only caused by the Zionists!

    The Arabs were a friendly people to us, and I am a witness to it. We lived very well with them in Hebron. Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter, the Gerrer Rebbe, attested to this as well, and it is the accursed Zionists who caused them to hate us. The Zionists dare to use their power to expel the Arabs, and even today in Lebanon, they kill and butcher the Arabs; they wipe out whole villages with the airplanes they get from the United States.

    Everyone should know who the murderers are – the Zionists are the biggest murderers in the world, who refuse to let the Jewish People live in peace either physically or spiritually!”

  29. Notice the photo of their Rebbe whom they are posing in front of. Arabfat.
    I think if they moved over a bit you would see there is a quote along the bottom of the frame:
    ויהיו עיניך רואות את מורך
    Since – i hope – other than teshuva sheleima, they have no choice for marrying off the next generation besides one another, we can only hope that inbreeding will thin the herd.

  30. Be aware that Daas Torah copied and pasted from a Palestinian website.
    In fact, the Zionists wanted to help R’ Kaplan to safety, including others, but he refused. .. Moses Shonfeld is a known Satmar coolie who fabricated stories in a book and other writings..
    There’s more to this story but don’t fall for fake news

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