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Questions Concerning the Sale of Chametz by AM:PM Stores

ampm2.jpgEldad Mizrachi, the head of the Tel Aviv Religious Council, sent a letter to Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger after receiving complaints that branches of the controversial AM:PM convenience store chain were selling chametz on Pesach, adding he has seen computerized sales receipts itemizing the items prohibited for sale that were indeed sold over Yomtov.

Rav Tzurial, who signed off as the rabbinical representative of the stores regarding the sale of chametz, will appear before Rav Metzger, who summoned him to explain.

It remains unclear at present why the rabbi appears to be deemed responsible for the sale of chametz when his role was only in that of a messenger towards the sale of chametz.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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