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Amidror: We Must Re-conquer Gaza to Halt Escalating Terror

idf tank1.jpgMajor-General (reserves) Yaakov Amidror, a former head of the IDF Research & Assessment Division of Army Intelligence on Monday morning told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that in order to bring a halt to the escalating terrorism from Gaza, Israel must launch a major offensive with the realization the IDF will have to maintain a presence in Gaza for “many years” to come.

Amidror made reference to Operation Chomat Magen (Defensive Shield), which was implemented after Pesach 2002, six years ago, which led to Israel retaking control of Yehuda and Shomron.

Drawing a direct analogy to the current situation in Gaza, Amidror explained the harsh pictures such as the ones coming from Gaza this morning of the dead children and a civilian women are indeed painful, and cause for sorrow, but this cannot deter us from a justified mission, the right to protect our citizens and our responsibility to halt the escalating Hamas terror.

The former senior intelligence officer added that such pictures are no longer coming out of Yehuda and Shomron, because Israel maintains control, stating with a modicum of confidence the same will be true in Gaza following a short-term military offensive, that admittedly will carry a price in lives of IDF personnel, but Amidror stated before Chomat Magen, the death toll in one month due to terror hit triple digits, now averaging six monthly, a major decline which is maintained. Amidror did warn that a military incursion without a commitment to remain in Gaza for a number of years will not bring about the desired results. The goal he explained cannot be achieved without a long-term IDF presence.

Amidror is calling on the government to take the initiative, explaining that if not now, the government will be compelled to order the IDF into Gaza in the future since the continued deterioration of the situation in the south is unacceptable and intolerable at present, and will only continue to decline.

He explained that today, the air force and tanks are required, leading to situations such as today, with the PA exhibiting photos of dead children, since once in control, as is the case in Shechem where 20 soldiers enter the area and apprehend or eliminate terrorists, without a need to fight from afar, without using the air force or tanks, eliminating the collateral damage.

Amidror stated that the loss of civilian life is painful, but quickly added today’s events must be examined since it is extremely rare for a tank shell to claim five lives, stressing that while it is indeed possible, it remains most unlikely.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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