Chareidi Soldier Attacked in Yerushalayim

idffnAnother attack by chareidim against a chareidi IDF soldiers occurred on Sunday night, the eve of 2 Tammuz 5773 in Jerusalem’s Bucharim neighborhood. The victim was in a vehicle, which a number of chareidi youths blocked and then they began hitting him and they grabbed his yarmulke. The soldier phoned police who arrived and extricated him from the attack.

While the attack was taking place they shouted at him for wearing an IDF uniform and serving in the IDF. It would appear the anti chardakim campaign is gaining momentum as the number of attacks against chareidi soldiers continue to increase. Baruch Hashem the soldier escaped without serious injury.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Harsh rhetoric, despicable actions are the trend of the ANTI-Government campaign. Words, Screams and Shouts of SHMAD whirls into violence, terror and attacks. Does the means justify the ends?

  2. they should take these kids and string them up and give them a good beating.
    in the future you mite not have such a understanding person and if you provoke the wrong soldier he will come out with his weapon chas vecholelah and defend himself by shooting first and asking questions later.

  3. Perhaps it’s time these soldiers defend them selves with all means available. If this isn’t possible then
    It is obvious. That this is something that is being set up by the extremists in Meir shirim then
    Perhaps these young men should be arrested and put into uniform immediately and forced to serve

  4. The erev rav always fight on all sides of a controversy. That is because it is not the issue that is important to them but that fighting and hatred should increase. It has always been and is still their goal to destroy Am Yisroel by having us tear each other apart. It is the erev rav that is pushing to destroy the Yeshivas and it is the erev rav that is attacking the soldiers. Do not be fooled.

  5. To No 2

    And that should include any rabbonim or askanim who openly advocate such violence against the brave men and women of the IDF, especially those from the Chareidi kehillah with the courage to serve the medinah while taking reasonable steps to stay within the boundaries of halacha.

  6. Is #3, aJewishJew, a reincarnation of Loyal Jew? Or is he saying nothing at all about the issue but merely noting one of Hashem’s attributes, being barukh?

  7. so these “Charedi Youths” are giving Lapid and his mates exactly what they wanted from the begining. They always knew that they will never be able to get the yeshiva world to go to the army, they just wanted to show the Chareidim in a bad light.
    Well done – another Chilul Hashem.
    I suppose we can’t even blame them as they are just blindly following their parents – and then say if certain Gedoilei Torah can do it then so can we, the only difference is these Gedoilei Torah do not use violence.

  8. About those who attack members of the IDF: “V’sheim risha’im yirkav”. Highly doubtful that they would have a cheilek in Olam Habah.

  9. it is time for the rebbayim to censor such violent actions. if some one is anti-service, state it, but to be violent and to attack a Jew that is shomer mitzvot, is in itself an aveirah.

  10. Do they really think that such abominable behavior will bring people closer to Torah?

    #10. I agree completely.

  11. It’s unfair to target them at this time. When they volunteered, many frum rabbanim were of the opinion that it was acceptable for Baal ha-battim to serve in the IDF, and the Israeli government’s policy at the time was to exempt Bnei Yeshiva from military service, and even to subsidize their learning. It was possible, back then, to believe that the zionist state was supportive of Torah and Mitsvos.

    At this point, no one has been conscripted out of a yeshiva (other than for not filling our the right papers). When that happens everything will change, a any frum Jew in the zionist army will rightly be seen as having joined the enemy. But the war is only looming, not threatening.

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