Kaliver Rebbe’s ZT”L Precious Snuff Box Stolen And Returned [PHOTOS & VIDEOS]

As Kaliver Chassidim deal with the recent petira of the rebbe ZT”L, senior officials in the chassidus were compelled to deal with a most unpleasant reality, the theft of the rebbe’s snuff box that he used for decades.

The rebbe’s gabbai entered the rebbe’s room following his petira to gather used by the rebbe to safeguard them, to prevent them from reaching unwanted hands. This included the rebbe’s tallis, candle sticks, wash cup and basin for netilas yodayim, cane, and other items.

After the levaya, he remembered the rebbe’s snuff box, and it was realized that the item was already missing. According to a Kikar Shabbos report, the box was made of old-time silver, and it was used by Gedolei Tzaddikim of earlier generations. As can be seen in the attached YWN photos, the snuff box rarely left the side of the Rebbe.

Those close to the late admor followed the trail of the thief, and to their astonishment, they discovered that this was a man known to them, who did not belong to the Kaliv Chassidus, who had been wandering around the Admor’s house recently.

Senior officials in chassidim decided to threaten the thief, because if the tobacco box is not returned, his name would be published far and wide.

After a few hours the chassidim were pleased to learn that the box had been returned, so all the items of the rebbe are expected to remain in favor of their preservation and for the continued use by the rebbe’s successor.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Good news it was returned. Was this box used for besomim at havadalah? Otherwise, what was its original purpose?

  2. A great loss; loved every Jew, avoided religious politics ,machlokes, and often admonished against it.

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