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Tank Corps Commander Says he is the Scapegoat

9th Armored Corps Battalion Commander Lt.-Colonel Yair Baranes released statements that he is being made the fall guy following the investigation into the Nahal Oz fuel depot terror attack (reported HERE on YWN).

Baranes maintains the investigation stopped after investigators evaluated his actions in the events surrounding the attack that left two civilian employees of the depot dead.

Shortly after being informed of the decision of IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi to remove him from his command post, he was called to hospital as his wife gave birth to a daughter, the couple’s first child.

Speaking with friends, the commander stated he is unable to digest the decision to dismiss him when it is clear the investigation has yet to be completed.

Baranes enlisted in the IDF 14 years ago and moved up the ranks of the Tank Corps. He assumed his current command following the Second Lebanon War.

He has spent the last days with his wife and their new child, pained over what he feels is an unfair decision, stating, “After 14 years, you suddenly find yourself at fault. Over the years, there were many successes, none of which were publicized. Not even one. For two minutes I failed and suddenly, all is forgotten. This is not a fair or logical approach.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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