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Accusations of Blame Following Fatal Attack

Officials in charge of the Nitzanei Shalom Industrial Park blame the IDF for failing to provide adequate security following Friday’s fatal terror attack that left two Jews dead. They point to empty guard posts as the reason a lone terrorist was able to fire at the two, at point blank range, and then flee the scene.

Military officials reject the allegations, explaining there are security protocols and the military did not in any way fall short of its responsibilities towards the industrial park.

An investigation into the fatal attack revealed that both the victims, Eli Wasserman and Shimon Mizrachi, did perform standard security checks on the many Arab employees in their respective factories. As they closed the door behind them and began heading to their factory buildings, they heard a knock on the door. They opened the door, permitting the terrorist who was waiting on the side to open fire at them, both mortally wounded as a result.

A third security person, Avner Cohen, 60, who was armed, crawled away, escaping without physical injuries. He told reporters that “it is better to alive than a dead hero”.

Wasserman and Mizrachi were not wearing flack jackets during the security inspections. It was also learned that Mizrachi was unarmed, having left his weapon in his vehicle.

While the army rejected outright criticism that it abandoned the factory workers, immediately following he attack, the abandon positions were again manned by military personnel.

Yehuda & Shomron Division Commander Brigadier-General Noam Tivon stated in such a scenario, the security personnel are expected to fire back at the attacker. He added operating protocol demands three security personnel at the inspection gate, adding the investigation will explain perhaps how it is that among three armed security agents, no one managed to fire a single shot at the attacker.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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