For A First Time: An Official Ceremony In Memory Of Chareidi IDF Soldiers

The Defense Ministry announced that it will hold its first memorial ceremony for IDF fallen chareidi soldiers on the eve of Memorial Day, and that the IDF will announce that it will participate in the ceremony of the commanders of the 340th Division which is responsible for the chareidi units in the military.

The Netzach Yehuda Association, in cooperation with the chareidi administration in the IDF and the Ministry of Defense were part of arranging for this new memorial ceremony which focuses on chareidi soldiers.

Yaakov Vider, a chareidi Likud activist who founded a memorial ceremony for fallen IDF soldiers, said following the Defense Ministry’s announcement: “This important decision by the Defense Ministry proves that the State of Israel will never forget those who gave their lives for the Jewish people.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. This is all part of a nefarious effort on the part of the state to ensnare innocent young neshomas into the service of the zionist entity by falsely portraying these former chareidim who went otd and joined the army as part of some so-called normative process despite the fact that either they violated gedolei yisroel’s cries to not or were allowed bshas hadchak because they were so far off that this was considered to be the lesser of the two evils.

    Rav Shteinman zt’l said about six years ago (and was reported on this site at the time) that it is better to run and hide in India than to join the Israeli army.

  2. ujm – That’s a pretty disgusting comment to make on an article that describes giving Kavod to those who lost their lives defending their fellow Jews. You and your fellow travelers are entitled to your views on the State of Israel, but don’t disrespect those who gave their lives Al Kidush Hashem – and yes, defending other Jews means that, by definition, it was Al Kidush Hashem.

    an Israeli Yid

  3. ujm: If you are going to “quote” Rav Shteinman, please be more specific. Rather than saying “about 6 years ago” that he said something important, find out exactly what he said, when he said it, then copy it into here so we can see if that was actually what he said and in what context. Using names of Gedolei Yisroel without substantiating your claims is at the very least unfair and possibly even utterly wrong. If you cannot find the quote and are relying on hearsay, better you say nothing in his name.

  4. Its about time they did this!

    And #1 is on the very very very right track. It is a shame that the tzionim here cant face the facts.

  5. Any and all fallen soldiers r”l deserve a memorial. Problem is this is a gentile-flavored commemoration. Because even if it includes kaddish and mishnayos (most likely), it is not taking place on their yahrzeit. It is set to occur on a state-designated, common memorial day. Which is a non-Jewish custom that accomplishes nothing for the neshamos of these (or any) fallen soldiers. We have always followed the Jewish mesorah in remembering those who have left this world — on their yahrzeit, and aping the gentile custom of a “Memorial Day” for them is deplorable.
    This is probably just the opening salvo in YWN’s “backdoor-style” (indirect) reporting on this subject, and on the upcoming Israel Independence Day “celebrations.” I’m waiting with baited breath to see how Yeshiva World will figure out a way to report the queer-o-vision music festival scheduled to be held in a few weeks. I’m sure YWN’s creative journalists will work it out. “Chareidim demonstrate against Eurovision,” etc., so you’ll get to explain all about this marvelous “music competition.” I’m sure it will all be, indeed, in the spirit of “Yeshiva World News” — News for the yeshiva world…..

  6. This picture makes me feel sick…disgusting to see a yid with payos in that outfit. A Yid in Esav’s levush. nebech. At least in EY people know what to say to such a person when he comes into a beis medrash: SHEIGETZ AROIS!

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