SECOND APOLOGY: NY Times Says It Is “Deeply Sorry” For Publishing Anti-Semitic Trump-Bibi Cartoon

The New York Times has apologized a second time for an anti-Semitic cartoon that appeared in the newspaper’s international edition.

It showed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a dachshund wearing a Star of David collar and leading a blind and skullcap-wearing U.S. President Donald Trump.

The Times says the image “included anti-Semitic tropes.” The cartoon appeared Thursday in print.

A tweet from the New York Times Opinion account Saturday said the image “was offensive, and it was an error in judgment to publish it.”

The Times says the cartoon was provided by The New York Times News Service and Syndicate, which has since deleted it.

The Times apology came Sunday afternoon after it issued an earlier statement saying it was wrong to run a cartoon that contained “anti-Semitic tropes.” But that statement did not contain any apology.

The new statement said: “We are deeply sorry for the publication of an anti-Semitic political cartoon last Thursday in the print edition of The New York Times that circulates outside of the United States, and we are committed to making sure nothing like this happens again.”

“Such imagery is always dangerous, and at a time when anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide, it’s all the more unacceptable,” it continued.

The paper said the decision to run the syndicated cartoon was made by a single editor working without adequate oversight.

“The matter remains under review, and we are evaluating our internal processes and training,” said the statement. “We anticipate significant changes.”


14 Responses

  1. NYT and Ilan Omar who shared the same Jew-hating sentiments have Jewish blood on their hand: Poway Synagogue Shooter Left a Manifesto – Calls President Trump a “Zionist, Anti-White, Traitorous,

  2. Error or not, it shows their true subconsciously belief.

    Had it been someone with the exact anti-islam or African etc. heads would have been rolling by now..

    But all is fine when it comes to Antisemitic hate. A simple apology after the damage was done.

  3. I’m sure they had their apology already written up when they printed the cartoon.
    But for gullible American Jews who think they’re leaving in Wonderland, it’s good enough.

  4. This headline needs to be edited. Nowhere in their retraction does it apologize for the cartoon. If you read it carefully there is no apology as their true anti-Semitic feelings are quite evident.

  5. ATTENTION: I Urge the Jewish Community to initiate a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT Against the NY TIMES, and I urge the Jewish Community to Demand the ATTORNEY GENERAL File HATE CRIME Xharges Against the NY TIMES for Inciting Hate Against Jews.

    Do NOT let this go, or it will Grow as it did in1936- it Grew and Grew, STOP IT NOW!

  6. We Jewish people have no one to blame for the NYT Anti……. but ourselves,
    for subscribing to it.
    The NYT’s has been an Anti……. newspapers for the longest of times,
    (with it’s unfortunate mostly Jewish writers.)
    Please just unsubscribe, they might feel the pinch.

  7. Solution. The WSJ print edition is the finest paper to read nationwide.
    The WSJ didn’t convince low information voters that Trump is a racist to such a point they are all going nuts after seeing that he is not. WSJ doesn’t print fake history nor anti-Semitic articles. In fact, I learn something about some Jewish person in history or the holocaust nearly every week.
    Maybe it’s because I’m not a New Yorker, but I don’t know why anyone buys that publication at all.

  8. This has happened time abd again- how many times do they “apologize”, only to do something similar a few months later? They know EXACTLY what they are doing and they are culpable in attacks like Pittsburgh and Poway. Why anyone buys/subscribes to this hateful example of yellow journalism is beyond me.

  9. As GAON pointed out, if there had been an anti Muslim cartoon placed “in error” the person responsible would have been fired already. Additionally, the collective outcry from the left would have been deafening and yet there’s hardly a whimper now.

  10. the NYT really should apologize for sinking from a first class newspaper to a low class agenda ridden rag that has top writers. Better to bring the news as it is, ‘just the facts, ma’am’ and not the perverted extreme leftist liberal agendas….

    don’t just apologize, NYT, get your act back together and be a better news paper….

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