Peleg Protesters Block Kikar HaShabbos on 2nd Day Chol Hamoed

A group of Peleg protesters attempted to block the intersection of Kikar Shabbos on Monday evening. The intersection is a major thoroughfare for those living in the Me’ah Shearim and Geulah neighborhoods.

Police who were nearby the incident when it began, rushed in and prevented the roads from being blocked and brought an end to the protest. In addition, they arrested 7 protesters processed them for their arraignment hearings and investigations.

A Police Spokesperson said: “We are continuing to maintain our presence and vigilance in the area in order to provide a strong response to any disturbance or attempt to interfere with the regular day-to-day life of the residents of the area.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Sentence them to be force-fed Chometz in prison over these next 4 days, and then let us see how much longer they’ll maintain their repugnant protests.

  2. I was there
    Recap of what occurred
    Many very disturbed human beings (and throngs of children between id estimate ages 10-13) creating the most incredible chilul Hashem one can
    It lasted approx 2 hrs
    Throwing garbage dumpsters into street
    Boisterous signature clapping and singing to tease the cops
    Running into street each time a bus or car came to block their path , only to be chased away each time by exasperated officers
    All in all it seemed like an enjoyable night activity for a bored bunch
    Not sure why cops don’t use water canons and tear gas , would be far easier than shlepping them away , they return next car , rinse , repeat ..
    Water would be perfect .

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