Petach Tikvah Mayor Greenberg Begins Yomtov Visits With Rabbonim In The Chareidi Tzibur

Petach Tikvah Mayor Rami Greenberg began his round of yomtov visits in the city with heads of the chareidi kehilla in light of tensions between his office and Yahadut Hatorah.

Mayor Greenberg began with that is being labeled a “dramatic visit”. Escorted by a number of chareidim who are close to him, Greenberg visited with HaGaon Rav Mordechai Rabinowitz, Rosh Yeshivas Ohr Yisrael and one of the leading litvish rabbonim in the city. Relations between the mayor and Rav Rabinowitz have been strained, as the rabbi did not support his election bid.

According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, the mayor was received warmly by Rabbi Rabinowitz, who reportedly told the mayor that “HKBH crowns kings and He is giving you the Siyata Dishmaya to run this city for the good of its residents. I hope we continue like this, with additional meetings, and we can work together for the good of the chareidi tzibur in the city”.

Mayor Greenberg responded, “I am a small person, I have come to serve all the public in the city faithfully and impartially, I would be happy to continue to cooperate with the city rabbonim on all matters. I will continue to stand to the right of the chareidi public in the city on any matter and at any time.”

Afterwards, Mayor Greenberg went on a yomotov visit to the residence of HaGaon Rav Efraim Fishel Motzen, son-in-law of the Admor of Sanz and Av Beis Din of Kiryat Baal Shem Tov in Petach Tikvah.

Rabbi Motzen congratulated the mayor on the change that took place in the city in the municipal preparations for Pesach, which were expressed both in the cleaning of the city prior to the yomtov and in the burning of the chametz that had been greatly improved.

Kikar Shabbos News adds that the mayor intends to hold several more yomtov visits to the rabbonim of the city and the communities in order to closely monitor the needs of the chareidi tzibur and to promote as many collaborations as possible.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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