Vaad Rabbonim Seeking to Turn Buses To & From The Kosel Into Mehadrin Lines

The Vaad Rabbonim for Transportation on Monday morning released information to travelers on public buses to the Kosel on how to turn these lines into mehadrin lines.

In ads appearing in chareidi newspapers, the tzibur is urged to “remain stringent to maintain ‘separation’ on all bus lines, including lines which are not officially labeled as ‘mehadrin’, to maintain tznius, towards avoiding a situation chas v’sholom where one’s travel leads to one’s loss regarding ‘tahara’, purity.”

The rabbonim cite that in line with the instruction of Maran HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv ZT”L, one must maintain separation on public transportation, as is the case with all public gatherings.

The rabbonim explain that on most buses today, there are smart-card validators at all doors, so men can enter from the front and women the rear, and thereby, maintaining mehadrin standards going to the Kosel, even on non-mehadrin lines.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Very illegal is more like it, since it will invariably lead to physical attempts to force people from their seats (which the courts ruled as illegal some 9-10 years ago).

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