Sefer Torah Valued at $70,000 Stolen from Tzefas Shul

There was shock among mispallalim of the Tiferes Yisrael Shul in Tzefas, as a Sefer Torah valued at $70,000 was discovered missing on the first day of Yom Tov.

Mispallalim opened the Aron Kodesh in the Shul located on Derech Chassidim Street in Tzefas’ Old City, and found the abandoned Eitz Chaim in the aron while the parchment, the actual Sefer Torah, was gone.

It appears that someone broke into the shul, someone who knew the combination to the safe/aron kodesh, as there were no signs of a forced entry. Mispallalim added that the Sefer Torah was used last for laining on Shabbos HaGadol.

It is added it appears that the thief knew what he was after as next to the Torah taken was another old Sefer which was not disturbed, as the thief took the Sefer worth $70,000.

Gabbai Aryeh Frumowitz is quoted telling Kikar Shabbos, “I wanted to prepare the Torah before davening and noticed it was gone. I was in shock. I cannot calm down from my pain. We daven to HKBH that he influences the heart of the thief to return it”.

“Anyone with the slightest information will be compensated accordingly. I turn to all Judaica dealers not to buy any Sefer Torah without making a proper inquiry [as to its origin]” stated Frumowitz.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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